Could the next DX be the T-1000?

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He does in the arcade, they show him flash it to a couple young girls, it doesn't really look like Furlong and not the age he is in the movie.

Oh that's right. The ones that point him to the Galleria and the others that are busy playing the arcade game. They're just like "NO". Then I think Tim too.
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Everybody here is referring to some sort of intangible set of 'rules' that must be met before a character gets a DX. I'm not arguing those rules, but I don't think they're as set-in-stone as some folks want to believe.

We've only had 3 DX figures announced over the course of almost a year, and it's not out of the question for HT to toss in or out features given the particularities of certain characters.

I think a DX T1000 makes a lot of sense if we get a DX T800 (BD).
Of course, we don't have a clear-cut set of rules when dealing with a sample size of 3, but we have to go on what we have seen. It is all speculation, but speculation based on the existing evidence is more useful than speculation based on. . .I guess subjective intuition.

So far, there are only a few similarities between the DX figures. What I've observed--googly eyes, stand, alternate looks (even if not 2 complete outfits), extremely popular characters, and re-releases of previous characters. It doesn't seem that a character needing googly eyes is part of the litmus test. Personally, I don't know why Batman would need that any more than any other character.

Having said all that, my wishful thinking would be for a T-1000 if anyone from T2 (though like Maulfan, I don't think it's all that important for any of them). But based on the apparent conditions of determining a DX figure, it is much more likely to be T-800 as of this point.

If a regular T-1000 comes out and sells out quickly, then we may expect to see a DX incarnation. Further, if the next DX is something out of left field, then rampant speculation about subsequent DX releases would be more warranted, IMO.
Everybody here is referring to some sort of intangible set of 'rules' that must be met before a character gets a DX. I'm not arguing those rules, but I don't think they're as set-in-stone as some folks want to believe.

We've only had 3 DX figures announced over the course of almost a year, and it's not out of the question for HT to toss in or out features given the particularities of certain characters. HT always adapts their releases to the uniqueness of a character.

Yup, I think people put too much concrete standard into pattern with the DX line. Before MJ, everyone assumed it would only be updates of previous figures.

There are patterns and you can make assumptions, but, Hot Toys hasn't declared these things to be the traits of the DX line, it's just what we're left to guess from what we've seen, but only 3 figures in, we're a ways off from really knowing how it'll be handled. If there are DX figures in this T2 line, I expect they'll be one time release, not updates, just that a figure was worth of deluxe treatment and a lot packed into one box compared to a typical MMS figure.

HOT TOYS has mentioned that the DX line is reserved for VERY ICONIC characters.

When, where?
Speaking of which, has there been ANY word of the DX04? Anything? It's been a long time since the DX03 was announced.
Yup, I think people put too much concrete standard into pattern with the DX line. Before MJ, everyone assumed it would only be updates of previous figures.

There are patterns and you can make assumptions, but, Hot Toys hasn't declared these things to be the traits of the DX line, it's just what we're left to guess from what we've seen, but only 3 figures in, we're a ways off from really knowing how it'll be handled. If there are DX figures in this T2 line, I expect they'll be one time release, not updates, just that a figure was worth of deluxe treatment and a lot packed into one box compared to a typical MMS figure.

Yes! Actually, the DX03 broke a lot of the 'rules' that I considered a signifier of DX status. A)It did not include a second head sculpt, B) It comes with a paltry amount of accessories and C) It is NOT a character that has been released previously as a standard MMS or Icon -- MJ is NOT a character. He plays certain characters in his music videos, even if those characters don't have names.

So, in short I believe that what constitutes a DX release is fluid and can be altered at HT's whims.
Plus his stick-out ears would have to be pushed in for the helmet. Unless the character is bald or has very short hair, removable helmets don't really work without something being too small and something being too big.

If they were to make it work it wouldn't fit into their $140-$190 price range. That would require a ton of R&D to achieve. IF it comes would biker helmet it will be sculpted as one piece.

If they do a full biker version, I see the helmet not being part of the sculpt, but the head will be useless other than for being helmeted because of flatter hair and ears, as has been said. I can't think of any HT figure with a helmet or hat of any kind where it was part of the sculpt other than the Halo Jumper Rambo.

Exactly, Halo Rambo .............. it worked and looked perfect. I believe they will tackle the helmet head forsure. I hope so anyway.

That's why a DX version won't come out until a T-800 does first, IMO.

These are my thoughts as well. There is no way they'd do a DX T-1000 before Arnie imo.

I really don't want PERS on any T2 figures, I don't think it's needed, a light for BD T-800 is all I'd really get much out of having, PERS on the donut T-800 head would be nice but obviously isn't happening. I definitely don't want to see PERS on any T-800s unless they keep his eyes properly squinty looking, but if PERS figures always get the wider open eyes to make the most use of the feature, then it should be reserved for figures where it really benefits to have it and doesn't hurt the overall look by making the eyes wide open.

PERS would be fantastic on a T1 Tech Noir Arnold.
I cant see Hot toys using a DX for any of the figures in Terminator 2. Id assume They would be saving it for a T1 arnold. Plus a Dx means less figures, and therefore less money.
I cant see Hot toys using a DX for any of the figures in Terminator 2. Id assume They would be saving it for a T1 arnold. Plus a Dx means less figures, and therefore less money.

Nah dude, theres no "Saving" when it comes to HT's .............. they know this line is a gold mine. They know each piece will eventually sell out. Its TDK all over again. You WILL see one if not two DX pieces just from T2 alone imo.

DX T1 Arnold forsure too. I have a feeling that one will stop heart beats.
The next DX will be superman, we can expect proto pics around july~sept :gah: I personally want a MK V DX tho :pray:
Yup, I think people put too much concrete standard into pattern with the DX line. Before MJ, everyone assumed it would only be updates of previous figures.

There are patterns and you can make assumptions, but, Hot Toys hasn't declared these things to be the traits of the DX line, it's just what we're left to guess from what we've seen, but only 3 figures in, we're a ways off from really knowing how it'll be handled. If there are DX figures in this T2 line, I expect they'll be one time release, not updates, just that a figure was worth of deluxe treatment and a lot packed into one box compared to a typical MMS figure.

When, where?

It was shortly after the DX02 was announced (before DX03 was announce) I remember reading HT said the line is meant for characters that are "Very Iconic" (I can't remember where :( ) but like I said above who and what is considered "iconic"? That is what is up for debate. I consider characters that have been around a long time that ALOT of people can point out and know. The first three DXs are all very iconic (dispite the versions they are, they are all very recognizable.)
Nah dude, theres no "Saving" when it comes to HT's .............. they know this line is a gold mine. They know each piece will eventually sell out. Its TDK all over again. You WILL see one if not two DX pieces just from T2 alone imo.

I'm betting T-800 DX for sure, the set will have all the gear to make a Cyberdyne figure but you'll need MMS117 for an intact portrait and pants, and the DX set will have pieces to make a BD and Semi BD figure, but one body, so you'll need to buy 2 DX figures if you want that. 2 releases, a minimum of 4 purchases with some super nutty fans that will want to make every variation of T-800 from this movie, which is me, and I'm sure you and a few others here at least. I'm already in for 2 MMS117s, and if they do as I'm thinking, I would get 2 DXs also.
I was actually thinking of getting a 3rd too :eek: My collection will change drastically over the next 12+ months.

Hey Sean, is it odd that with all the hype I popped in Carpenter's Halloween just now? :dunno
I'm betting T-800 DX for sure, the set will have all the gear to make a Cyberdyne figure but you'll need MMS117 for an intact portrait and pants, and the DX set will have pieces to make a BD and Semi BD figure, but one body, so you'll need to buy 2 DX figures if you want that. 2 releases, a minimum of 4 purchases with some super nutty fans that will want to make every variation of T-800 from this movie, which is me, and I'm sure you and a few others here at least. I'm already in for 2 MMS117s, and if they do as I'm thinking, I would get 2 DXs also.

That's what Im hoping for also! But I only want 2 T-800s in my collection. A "clean" MMS117 and a "Battle Damaged" hopefully DX!
In the magazine interview Hot Toys has already stated they are making a battle damage T800. So it could very likely be the next DX. They also said they were making T 1000 and Sarah Connor, so those might just be standard figures. Thats all they ever confirmed. However they never mentioned anything about V2 Sarah but this is a exclusive for a expo , who knows how long it was in planning stages? Maybe it was just a quick variation on a cancelled sculpt
In the magazine interview Hot Toys has already stated they are making a battle damage T800. So it could very likely be the next DX. They also said they were making T 1000 and Sarah Connor, so those might just be standard figures. Thats all they ever confirmed. However they never mentioned anything about V2 Sarah but this is a exclusive for a expo , who knows how long it was in planning stages? Maybe it was just a quick variation on a cancelled sculpt

Actually this is a very good point ............. they made all these mentionings but decided to make a 2nd Sarah for the expo? Makes sense to me ............. they're saving the next release (possibly DX) for a BD T-800. I mean, why not make the exclusive another T-800? They obviously can't make as many T-800's as they choose to. It may be a limited issue ........... the owners of T2 may have only allowed X amount of each character.
Exactly , sculpting apparel to the head is beneath Hot Toys standards. The only time they did that was for Pirates of Caribean or Batman. And they are always inovating production techniques . Even if he doesn't remove the helmet in the movie, it just gives you more to work with. Obviously the helmet head would have shorter ears and slick hair

Exactly!:lecture ..and really come on what if he never removed his helmet in the movie! ..i want to be able to remove the helmet from the figure! .. screen accuracy is great but this level of it is ridiculous.
I'm hoping for a DX of Indy somehow.

Im betting it will be reeves superman:) ..some think the dx04 will be a battle damage t800 ..i can see that happening but not any time soon ..maybe dx06 or 7 would be way to soon after the release of the regular t800 arnie, id say we will see the t1000 dx or not b4 we see any more t800 variations.