Well, I want a 1/6 AND a PF Dooku, so I'm stoked! And so far, from what we can see in that little thumb, the pose looks GREAT!
Dooku is actually one of my most wanted PT PF's. I have Anakin and don't think I'd want too many others from the PT (just Obi-Wan ROTS, Jango Fett, Dooku and Yoda)
PF's FTW!!!!!
copy/paste details from pitbull @ statue forums:
supposedly distributor info
UPDATE: Could be some truth look at this Sideshow Q&A
I think its about time for Dooku and Saruman
It will be a hard choice for which one I want to order
copy/paste details from pitbull @ statue forums:
supposedly distributor info
UPDATE: Could be some truth look at this Sideshow Q&A
Is this pitbull info legit, or someone's idea of a joke?
Distributor info 4 months before SDCC? With a film still, not even a silhouette of the product?
Much rather have Jedi Luke or the Emperor over a disposable villain.