Statue Cover Girls of the DC Universe

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She's 5'7". Heels would put her at almost 6', so yeah.

Also, the other two girls mentioned are caucasian. Diana is Greek.


My mistake there, I enjoyed her in Firefly and her guest appearances in Stargate but I just don't see her as Wonder Woman, she seems very slight. I would have easily gone for Monica Bellucci or Lucy Lawless, they seem to have the physical body for that role.

I think it will be a long time unfortunately before we see a Wonder Woman movie, Silver productions has been sitting on a few scripts, got rid of Whedon and really can't seem to get a production off the ground. There are probably numerous actress mostly unknown who could play the part but I think looking greek is the last of the concerns.

Maybe once Adam's All-Star WW comes out and the big WW event that the current WW writer Gail Simone keeps alluding too, there will be interest again with WW.

Good to know. Thanks for the update. So, any idea of an ETA so the rest of us can see it? :D

No ETA; it'll be done when its done. Often other projects come up that require Adam's attention, and WW gets put down. So it tough to say when it will be complete.
And to add some story behind that, Adam Hughes said he sketched it for the sculptor last week, and the newest addition shows up this week! I tell you this sculptor is knocking it out of the park that fast! Adam even has the sample print sitting at his booth!
Harley Quinn just doesn't seem like she fits in this line, to me anyway. Regardless I'm still waiting for Supergirl. :D
Here is a teaser until better are posted. And Harley goes great with the line. This is from a friend over on Statue Forum.
