Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code
It's all about managing man. Don't just buy things when they come out, wait for deals. Yeah, making more than the usual human helps, but it really comes down to managing.
And having credit cards. There's guys on this board buying everything and then selling it all on the marketplace at a loss with pathetic divorce and bankruptcy stories.
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This isn't a cheap hobby, never was, but especially not now. Good point with never paying full price, I can't remember the last item I bought without at least the $20 Sideshow code, and even then I usually wait for better discounts because that's really only 10% or less off. If a figure isn't a must have, wait, if you don't get it, oh well, if you can get it for 20%+ off then great!
Also when I can get figures at pricing like PC has, I figure worst case if I have to sell them, I break even. When you pay full price or even just use the $20 off coupon, that is not always the case anymore (there was a time when you just could buy every figure HT made because they never went down in price in the aftermarket, not the case anymore as they make 5X more of them and prices have doubled in the last 8 years).
I will say personally I don't have credit card debt, that is a VERY BAD idea, never carry CC balances, always pay them off each statement, especially when buying non essential items. Job wise, 100% commission, which is tough but I love it (I sell $100K worth, I get X percent of it, my wife who has a corporate salary job buys $200 million worth of goods a year and sees nothing of it except her salary, no matter how much she saves her company in negotiations).