I would assume they can track the lists by the name they gave you to use, Sideshow Wishlist.
I would assume they can track the lists by the name they gave you to use, Sideshow Wishlist.
Correct. All folks have to do for the Pinterest wishlist giveaway is create their pinterest board, name it 'Sideshow Wishlist' and then start pinning items that they want onto that board they set up. We'll be able to track everyone's boards if they are named 'Sideshow Wishlist'. Happy pinning!
Chewie just went to waitlist on the 24th but if you go on the waitlist NOW that significantly increases your chances by 90-95% that you will convert.
The Youtube video shows the sale date as starting on 11/25 (today), but as far as I can tell, the sale doesn't actually start until overnight tonight (11/26)? Is that right?
The sales start later this afternoon (Pacific Time). So they do all start on the 25th.
Stealth cap contest on Facebook also a discount of $55 with code bf2515
war machine discount 20%
batman armory with alfred
So is that it?
Nothing for starboost or bones after being shown in the video?