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Has anyone here entered one of those?

I got selected yesterday. I turned in my task before midnight but I haven’t had any sort of confirmation yet whether it was accepted or rejected. They haven’t updated the soul collection blog yet today either so the wait is painful!

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Tbh, the OT ended perfectly. The new trilogy is just an attempt to catter the new generation. Disney should have focused on what happened between the ST and OT (like Rogue One which I like) or The Old Republic. There are so many things to be discovered in the Star Wars universe yet they went with a stale storytelling like TFA. Been saying this since I first watched the movie but people would still praise it nonetheless just because they were on the hype train.

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Tbh, the OT ended perfectly. The new trilogy is just an attempt to catter the new generation. Disney should have focused on what happened between the ST and OT (like Rogue One which I like) or The Old Republic. There are so many things to be discovered in the Star Wars universe yet they went with a stale storytelling like TFA. Been saying this since I first watched the movie but people would still praise it nonetheless just because they were on the hype train.

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Nah, no hype train here. I hate bandwagons. I'm just genuinely more interested in what happened after ROTJ than anything else. The new trilogy is delivering that.
Nah, no hype train here. I hate bandwagons. I'm just genuinely more interested in what happened after ROTJ than anything else. The new trilogy is delivering that.

I'm with you - need to finish this trilogy then we can visit the old republic
I do want an Old Republic movie with Revan and Malak (then Hot Toys would make them, maybe?). There's only been one released so far, and I'm already tired of Mid-quels.
The more i think about TFA- the more I despise it. Moreso, than PT. Has nothing to do with Lucas, money, Disney- it just felt so gimmicky.
That's because The Force Awakens is a competently made movie coming a decade after a trilogy of films that weren't received well. Just because it follows some of the same beats in A New Hope doesn't make the movie bad.

Wonder Woman had some of the same beats as Captain America The First Avenger, but no one calls it a bad movie because it was well made and coherent.
Tbh, the OT ended perfectly. The new trilogy is just an attempt to catter the new generation. Disney should have focused on what happened between the ST and OT (like Rogue One which I like) or The Old Republic. There are so many things to be discovered in the Star Wars universe yet they went with a stale storytelling like TFA. Been saying this since I first watched the movie but people would still praise it nonetheless just because they were on the hype train.

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But does retreading the same story points inherently make the movie bad? Because I've been hearing that as the main reason why people may not have liked it. Sure it may have been lazy story telling, but it in itself, I don't think it makes for a bad movie at all.

But storywise I did prefer Rogue One quite a bit. Loved the idea of it, but it like TFA seems to get a bit of hate for some reason that I honestly don't understand.
Tbh, the OT ended perfectly. The new trilogy is just an attempt to catter the new generation. Disney should have focused on what happened between the ST and OT (like Rogue One which I like) or The Old Republic. There are so many things to be discovered in the Star Wars universe yet they went with a stale storytelling like TFA. Been saying this since I first watched the movie but people would still praise it nonetheless just because they were on the hype train.

I wasn't really impressed with TFA. It just felt like someone was trying to capture the feeling of the originals and didn't succeeding. Oddly enough I really enjoyed R1. It seemed a little more natural to me. Maybe because it didnt hinge on the previous movies as much.
I'm with you - need to finish this trilogy then we can visit the old republic

I do want an Old Republic movie with Revan and Malak (then Hot Toys would make them, maybe?). There's only been one released so far, and I'm already tired of Mid-quels.

I'll be revisiting the Old Republic shortly. Just downloaded KOTOR on my XB1 :lightsabe
TFA is a retread of everything that came before. It's boring, it's a snooze fest. The characters are lame. Rey, Finn, Poe aren't as interesting or iconic as OT Luke, Han and Leia. Phasma was basically a cardboard cut out of a character. Luke reveal and hermit situation is a disappointment. The plot is silly and contrived. The vehicle and planet designs are either reused from the previous 6 films with some new paint thrown on them or an ugly, uninspired creation. The only character that embraces being a literal rip off from what came before is Kylo Ren whose characterization can be summed up as "Vader wannabe". The trooper designs are crap, the resistance designs are crap. It's not good, it's not bad, it's nothing. It's a glorified reboot that never needed to be made. Keep your red Tie fighters and your XXXXXL Death Star 3. Why should I pay any mind to a knock off when I can just watch the real thing.

TFA is a retread of everything that came before. It's boring, it's a snooze fest. The characters are lame. Rey, Finn, Poe aren't as interesting or iconic as OT Luke, Han and Leia. Phasma was basically a cardboard cut out of a character. Luke reveal and hermit situation is a disappointment. The plot is silly and contrived. The vehicle and planet designs are either reused from the previous 6 films with some new paint thrown on them or an ugly, uninspired creation. The trooper designs are crap, the resistance designs are crap. It's not good, it's not bad, it's nothing. It's a glorified reboot that never needed to be made. Keep your red Tie fighters and your XXXXXL Death Star 3. Why should I pay any mind to a knock off when I can just watch the real thing.

I get what you mean about the designs, most things in TFA and R1 have been pulled from Ralph McQuarrie's original concept art.

It's like they couldn't be bothered to try and create something new that felt like "Star Wars" so they just raided the discarded stuff from the trash.
It's a never ending cycle of the same convo.

Just like the movies are a never ending cycle of the same movie.

I can't wait to see people freak about the "new" AT-AT scene for the 100th time. I just wish these people would buy all the shelf and peg warming product that continues to not sell. Online and retail stores are worse than 1999-2001 at this point.