Or is it Memorex?They're Live...
Or is it Memorex?
It didn't occur to me that only Americans and maybe Canadians would get that... That was a popular tag-line for a long time...Had to look that one up as i'm not familiar with US TV commercials
internet is a wonderful tool.
Hey, so did I! Where at? I lived in West Hollywood... Was there from late 1997 to early 2002.Lived in California for a while in the late '90s but can't seem to remember this one.
Ah, you missed going to SDCC then. I started going in 1998, and kept going every year through 2012. Now I can't get tickets anymore... SDCC was awesome back then. You could get into ANYTHING without issue. You could talk to celebrities and get free autographs without issue. Now it's a zoo. Still fun though...Long Year student in San Diego late '96 to mid '97. Then spent a few more months visiting the whole state as well as Utah, Nevada and Arizona.
Neither was I. But they still had awesome panels for movies and TV shows of all sorts...Nope, never got to attend SDCC. Convention Center was just another place Downtown close to one of my sports cards dealer. Wasn't really back into comics and sci-fi back then.
SS is live now!
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