Well, if you're the conspiracy theory type, you could argue that SS could easily use this as a way to stop giving out RP codes altogether (as it seems like they might want to do, since they've only given them out during a few major events each year that past couple years), since so many people abused this and they had to subtract a bunch of points from a bunch of accounts. It will be interesting to see if they post something on social media or in a Facebook group or something shaming people for abusing it, or if they even address it in any way...
Reward points don’t seem to be a major factor in their events anymore. It seems to be more geared toward various competitions and task oriented activities.
That's exactly what I mean! They're almost an afterthought now, so why not use today's glitch as an excuse to get rid of them for good?
I hope not, of course, but it seems like it would make sense from their perspective.
Not only do we need to have the code entry page active in a separate window but also the checkout page to order before they take the points back
Does anyone know where that test code originated? Or rather where it was released?
Would have been interesting to see how they handled that.
Does anyone know where that test code originated? Or rather where it was released?