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Technically, they can say they DID give out rewards. But there must have been a meeting with the higher-ups that effectively killed lottery spins for ALL players, judging by the last 3 events. So now the chances of actually getting anything in these streams is super slim.
Sigh. Was in 4th place until the last question. Them having the wrong answer for Oscars knocked me down to 7th and out of winning.

Last year's star wars trivia I was in 2nd before the final question and it iced me. I got too nervous and then took too long to answer and got knocked out.
Sideshow to Livestream audience:

is sideshow's website weird for anyone else? I can't access orders and every product is showing only 1 image instead of all product images
Sigh. Was in 4th place until the last question. Them having the wrong answer for Oscars knocked me down to 7th and out of winning.

Last year's star wars trivia I was in 2nd before the final question and it iced me. I got too nervous and then took too long to answer and got knocked out.
They had a question about about Arnold Schwarzenegger not being able to shoot another movie because of the Terminator and that movie getting delayed during Fandom Rewind week last year. The correct answer was Conan the Destroyer. They had Conan the Barbarian, and I got knocked out of 1st place for that. They get **** wrong sometimes.