I got a $1 off that FORTUNE one... but closed it right after. Shocked people have kept it open all this time.
You would have to be one of those people then. I doubt anybody kept it open after it finally paid out this morning.I got a $1 off that FORTUNE one... but closed it right after. Shocked people have kept it open all this time.
You would have to be one of those people then. I doubt anybody kept it open after it finally paid out this morning.
I’ll put mine up for auction with a $50 “buy now” option. Any takers?Maybe we should have SNOOPTACULAR!
Snoopy can hand out "Get out of jail FREE" pics if we solve a riddle.
That wasn't "Fortune." I think it was "Crystal" that paid out a few days ago, which is weird as ****, because "Fortune" closed before "Crystal," but it didn't pay out until today.I got paid out a couple days ago on it. That's what I'm saying, people kept it open for days?
That wasn't "Fortune." I think it was "Crystal" that paid out a few days ago.
I knew a Crystal who definitely put out. Oh, PAID out. Never mind.Fortune for me. I'm not sure Crystal ever paid out.
I remember one closed and didn't pay out and a new code opened, closed, and paid out all before that other one. I still think it was "Fortune" that finally paid out today, but I don't really give a **** anymore. It was one of them, anyway.Fortune for me. I'm not sure Crystal ever paid out.
Fortune was definitely the one I lost today…Then it might have been "Crystal" that paid out this morning. I remember one closed and didn't pay out and a new code opened, closed, and paid out all before that other one. I still think it was "Fortune" that finally paid out today, but I don't really give a **** anymore. It was one of them, anyway.
Then I was right. "Crystal" was the one that opened, closed, and paid out all in the time between "Fortune" closing and finally paying out.Fortune was definitely the one I lost today…
I thought you didn't care?Then I was right. "Crystal" was the one that opened, closed, and paid out all in the time between "Fortune" closing and finally paying out.
I really don't and congratulations.I thought you didn't care?
Maybe Fortune is still going? I don't know. I just know I got a $1 on it a few days ago.
No, you got that $1 from Crystal. Or was it Chastity?I thought you didn't care?
Maybe Fortune is still going? I don't know. I just know I got a $1 on it a few days ago.
I really don't and congratulations.