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None of you are getting that dollar. Did y'all get the last one? Or the last two from over a month ago? I'm sorry to say, but you guys are just jumping through their hoops for them like trained seals.
A wise green puppet once told Mark Hamill, "You must unlearn what you have learned."
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None of you are getting that dollar. Did y'all get the last one? Or the last two from over a month ago? I'm sorry to say, but you guys are just jumping through their hoops for them like trained seals.
A wise green puppet once told Mark Hamill, "You must unlearn what you have learned."
Being a trained seal is nothing new for me. Just ask my wife who has trained me very well.
So far, I've missed every stream for this event...I missed all the games...and I have "NO RAGRETS"...
It's very liberating!!!
No Ragrets.jpeg
They did penny arcade trivia and gave $1 lottery.
More like they promised a dollar that you'll probably never see. If they can't be bothered to pay out the meager scraps they promise, why should anyone engage with them online anymore? It's just a waste of your time. They get paid. We don't. Not anymore, I guess. **** ain't worth it.