Custom 12" Blade Runner project underway...

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I know there are already two options to acquire the Star Trek uniforms, but seeing the amazing quality of your Deckard outfit, would you consider making uniforms for Kirk, Spock and Bones?
I know I would be down for a complete set!
I know there are already two options to acquire the Star Trek uniforms, but seeing the amazing quality of your Deckard outfit, would you consider making uniforms for Kirk, Spock and Bones?
I know I would be down for a complete set!

Great idea!! If you are up for it, I'd be down for all 3 as well!
Hey Ryan,

Did you also sew the pants? If so, any way you can sew the bottom hem on each leg with an understitch vs the overstitch in the pics? This way the stitching will be invisible. If not, totally cool because they look amazing already, but it's something my wife noticed. (she's a seamstress) :)

And btw, she is really really impressed with your work! Where do you get your buttons to be in scale, the material, and what kind of machine, and what stitch size setting do you use? Insane to do it in 1/6 scale!!
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Deckard is getting impatient while I sew his shirt :tap


To answer the previous question yes everything on Deckard is custom sewn (except for the few pics where he is wearing the android hunter shirt and tie.) As for blind hemming the pants yes it can be done but due to the very limited size of the pant leg it is more of a pain than its worth. I use a Brother machine and as for stich size it depends on what I am doing 2.5 on down. As for fabrics, that it just a time consuming thing of shopping, searching,(and lots of strange looks in the fabric dept:lol) test fitting to get it to hang right.

Thanks Ryan! No problem on the pants - they look outstanding AS IS. Yeah, I've made a few trips to Joanne fabrics with an action figure in my hand as I'm trying to match colours... and yeah, a few strange looks for sure!! :lol

I absolutely can't wait for this!! Just watched Blade Runner again last night in HD and I'm even more psyched now. :rock :rock

Ryan, sorry if you have already answered this, but what would be the best body to use for your custom outfit?
Good question... frankly, I would hope you're fitting it for a DML body and not the Hot Toys TT. Just my personal taste, besides, TT's are not easy to get a hold of...
Any plans on making a Batty outfit? That would be awesome!

And have you given thought to the Star Trek outfits? I know there's quite a lot of people who have commissioned the head-sculpts.
I don't know much about the DML body - do you have pics abake? do we need special neck posts for those, or are they the same as the TT? I'd like to use a body where when you attach the head you can't see the seam between the neck and body.

and yes yes yes on Star Trek!
I have been fitting everything to a DML body mainly because I wanted the shoulders to hang right(Also this is what the android hunter figure uses and some people just want to replace the coat on theirs). I went to the extra trouble of make the coat shoulders the correct way so they would have that kind of slump look that Deckard has and the TT body makes that hard to do because it has such broad shoulders. To answer your question about the neck, it is no problem because a DML neck is the easiest on to use for heads. Here is a pic of one for you.


As to the Star Trek inquiries even though I would not mind doing them, In all fairness I think you should wait in see what nanjin has been working on (And no I havent seen anything or even spoke to him about them). He seems to have invested a good deal of time and effort and has also offered to share with everyone without trying to turn a profit. I appreciate the kind words and comments and being concidered for them though.

Thanks a lot Ryan - going to pick up a DML body right now.

and good to know about nanjin - i haven't been following the star trek thread that much, so i'll look for some pics from najin on the outfits.
Sounds perfectly fair.
Although, to be quite honest, I don't quite understand what nanjin's approach is... I suppose it's easier to just pm him.
To tell you the truth Im not sure either. I believe he was talking to some tailors in HK about having them produced.
Hey Ryan, another question re: sewing - do you wash your fabric prior to sewing? My wife was mentioning that it apparently can make a huge difference in helping the fabric to drape correctly. Sorry if this is all old hat to you... just curious. Thanks.