I think there is some truth to all that has been said and it is not always that a single person can be the only one that is correct. That's why I like discussion (not heated though) to get all perspective and pick and choose the ones I agree with. Of cause I also like to have my own opinions and voice it but I try to respect others and reframe from flaming them for theirs. Do you know how many times I started to type away only to scrap the comments. Don't be a hippo
Like I said I was perfectly happy with HT Bale at first as a noob but all the debates have shown me the inaccuracies and ruined that sculpt for me
and then came the JC sculpt which blew my mind.
Much like anything our brains process we are masters in adaptation and assumptions to fill in gaps and many times subconsciously processing additional data to get what we need/want.
I think when comparing only head sculpt by themselves objectively like in a lineup and with ppl that don't know Bale's movies and only get a glimpse of the different pictures prior to the line up decision will be split between the JC Bale and AB Bale as some will prioritize their decision on the realism of the paint job whereas others may focus on the accuracies of the sculpt. Honestly I see Bale in JC more than in Andy B as my mental image of Bale does not contain exact details of the nose, facial shape etc. Then of cause ones you see the heads on their respective bodies and outfit its a totally new game again as the Andy B sculpt will loose out in it's rather normal business attire vs JC's battle outfit. I am no expert but I personally believe we recognize and remember ppl not by all the intricacies of the face but only a subset and everyone's is just different. Expressions are likely to be more impressionable and hence neutral facial expressions will loose out to something with character e.g. Tony Stark (the freaking sculpt and paint job looks actually like he is intoxicated!!)
In the end I personally will not be happier if a sculpt is more exact but does not convey the realism I so desire. Also reason why it's hard to make judgment calls based on pictures alone (case in point two-face)
So have your opinion but respect others for theirs.
Damn that was too much for a freak to write without any smilies

Much like anything our brains process we are masters in adaptation and assumptions to fill in gaps and many times subconsciously processing additional data to get what we need/want.
I think when comparing only head sculpt by themselves objectively like in a lineup and with ppl that don't know Bale's movies and only get a glimpse of the different pictures prior to the line up decision will be split between the JC Bale and AB Bale as some will prioritize their decision on the realism of the paint job whereas others may focus on the accuracies of the sculpt. Honestly I see Bale in JC more than in Andy B as my mental image of Bale does not contain exact details of the nose, facial shape etc. Then of cause ones you see the heads on their respective bodies and outfit its a totally new game again as the Andy B sculpt will loose out in it's rather normal business attire vs JC's battle outfit. I am no expert but I personally believe we recognize and remember ppl not by all the intricacies of the face but only a subset and everyone's is just different. Expressions are likely to be more impressionable and hence neutral facial expressions will loose out to something with character e.g. Tony Stark (the freaking sculpt and paint job looks actually like he is intoxicated!!)
In the end I personally will not be happier if a sculpt is more exact but does not convey the realism I so desire. Also reason why it's hard to make judgment calls based on pictures alone (case in point two-face)
So have your opinion but respect others for theirs.
Damn that was too much for a freak to write without any smilies