Mixed feelings.
On the one hand, I like it the way it is. I have one primary thread for my work, and in Collections, one primary thread for my stuff.
I occasionally post a thread in the area where some new project would get the most views.
Also, I have considered starting a whole new 2008 FML Customs thread, so mine is not so darn huge anymore, but other than that, I like the site structure as is.
I have my own website, albeit a bit old hat, and due for a renovation soon, but I like having that as my true home base, and the threads here as my posting for the members here, and my collection one, as just that.
I feel that there have been too many specialty posts and threads of one figure or whatnot. We have all done that. It's hard not to want everyone to see your newest work, and a whole new forum would accommodate that, but I am only for it, if it is linked to here, so the members can easily go and see what is going on there.
As for any of us Cutsoms guys' posts being potential ads for our work, well, hard to defend, 'cause that is true, as I for one practically depend on this work for my livilhood, (as in, IT IS NOT JUST A SIDEBAR HOBBY FOR ME), but...I also don't like the notion of members feeling assaulted by something I have done or repainted either. It's a thin line to walk.
Most customizers are what I was when I started, just guys that get figures and make them their own, and make wholenew originals. It seems to have become a large pocket sidebar of the toy industry and this site a real wellspring of members who want improved or alternate or totally new and unproduced figures.
In some ways, I think all custom figures should be listed in customs, not as much in General or wherever, which should cover officially released toys from companies, so as to keep the site medium clear from the customs angle.
But, the Customs area should at least be clearly expanded to account for all those custom heads, Batman or other type character figures, and whole limited lines of customs made especially for the collectors that inhabit
this locale.
I've always felt that this site was supposed to be
Sideshow first, Hot Toys and Medicom and all the others second, and customs a sidebar. And it is. I think.
Yet, due to the increasing demand by the slowly market developed perfectionism of the collectors, due to improved merchandise from the companies themselves, AND, the improvements made available by some of us customs makers, the collectors have begun to have more say in what the finished product they buy from companies, namely Sideshow, can be for themselves.
Gone are the days of the majority of the masses just being satisfied with only an out of box product. Although, there remains a purist faction that will always have a good point in defending that approach to their collecting.
It is a dilemma for the site, but maybe not an overwhelming one.
I would support whatever comes of a "move" but I do prefer it centrallized. Of course. I benefit from this area. But, I think many of the members do also. By keeping it here, they are not obliged to hunt the net for other sites (even if well linked) and see what is there, then come back here, and post, blah blah...and on it will split...and might get rather complicated.
If the existing Customs area can be simplified a bit, and new threads be more rigidly organized, so that member galleries, these seeming in demand "How To's" and any other aspect of the customs area be made more easily accessable, then I think all problems would be solved without a seperate site.
But, again, I would support whatever comes. I repect the members here, even those I don't co-collect with, and so want what is in the best interest of everyone.
I think Simplicity is the answer. Just not sure what that is. Yet.
I know this is a lot of post and opinion, but I had to say some of it just to feed the conversation.
Good luck Dave and let me know what you need from me. I hope we can simplify all this for everyone where all members benefit best.