TBH Im guessing that "doll" makers could actually give some quality advice to the "action figure" collectors
I'm sure they could, but I'm afraid the "ewww, Tonner!" crowd would drive them away.
I'm sure they could, but I'm afraid the "ewww, Tonner!" crowd would drive them away.
I'm sure they could, but I'm afraid the "ewww, Tonner!" crowd would drive them away.
I hope this does happen, it would help me a BUNCH to have some "hired guns" so to speak for clothing needs. I'm tired of hunting for parts that simply look "ok" and not screen accurate. :emperor
I have a selfish request.
My work blocks photobucket and other photosharing sites. My request is that if you start a new forum or expand this one, please consider adding a photo posting feature similar to what Rebelscum does because work doesn't block that. Thanks!
The freaks board has one now, above in the green bar 4th word in.