I... think so? Yeah, S3 was last year, and now S4 has just started... I think... It became too cheesy for me. Same as LoT. I liked Stein andthe Comic Book stuff, but... nah.
Gotham I also keep up with. It's like someone took Burton, '66, Nolan, some weird Elsewords book, put them on a blender, then mixed thatwith Adderal, and gave that to everyone involved. It's just crazy fun.
AoS I'm legitimately impressed with, as it handles drama very good, especially compared to the Flash and LoT type shows. It's a legitimately good show, not just a good capeshow. Everyone brings their A-Game, and the Mindframe fallout was very emtional due to Mack and Fitz.
I'm watching the Gifted as well, and it's pretty nice. Nothing extraordinary so far, but I like it well enough. After Legion, I've been paying a bit more attention to the Fox-Verse.
I'm also keeping up with Lucifer. It's nothing like the book, but it's dumb fun, and Ellis is very charming.
Arrow I still like because, despite all the CW drama, I grew to like the characters, and I'm fond of the grim & campy mix they've got going on.