Darth Waller
Are you on the square?
I enjoyed the first two parts of the crossover yesterday
It ends tonight.
I only watch 2 of the 4 shows, but I had to record all of them once I found out about the crossover story.
I enjoyed the first two parts of the crossover yesterday
It ends tonight.
There was a new episode yesterday? I was watching X Files
I wonder if that was the teased Trial of Barry Allen that we saw in the (1st?) season when he went through the time Force to go back in time?
Tuesday night it returned!
I forgot about that. When did that happen?
I'm not 100% sure but I think it was when he went back in time to stop Thawne from killing his mom, they had teases of a few things like Killer Frost and there was one where he was in court but I think in a jumpsuit, but I don't remember that well.
Yeah, it was a little different in the comic books since I think he killed Reverse Flash, but I was curious if this was the TV show's version of it
Tuesday night it returned!
Oh, you're right! I missed it by a day.
Right after the Flash Museum.I forgot about that. When did that happen?
The main villains were the highlight for me, and I really liked the twist in Ep9... But I just don't care for Kendrick Sampson in the role, e's pretty bad all around. Neil Sandilands looked great and was very charismatic, I'll miss him.
Elongated Man and awkward humor are the only things that keep me from dropin' this series right now.
All the "villains of the week" are awful this Season. Their backstory is horrible and they're all bland and bad looking.
The only cool thing about Fallout is that he looked like Blight for a few seconds.
Which only made me more mad because I now we won't get a live action Batman Beyond, ever.