'What the hell is a gigawatt?'...
It should be a real laser of course, rated at 1.21 gigawatts.
you're kidding - right?Probably 1,000 watts.
I really hope they make it in the Astonishing or Byrne era uniform,I hate the Jim Lee design....I prefer the full mask that covers his entire head.
I guess its too much to ask for a nice simple John Byrne era look. That one will always be my favorite. I would still by an Astonishing version, but not the Jim Lee. That one does NOTHING for me.
If it's anything other than this, I'm passing.
In Ultimate X-Men, Cyclops executed Magneto by decapitation.
Three reasons we know Cyclops is not gay...
Ultimates doesn't count. Its completely a different universe. Earth 626 (The original Marvel Universe) he is constantly being thown to second banana.
Original Silk Spectre/Hooded Justice Saga.......