uhh, Mike?...for an Iron Man fan, you're missing the fun and shat slinging in the HB thread.......explain?
Mike, sorry, but I completely don't get the points you are trying to make.![]()
Uncanny & Astonishing X-Men are still consistently Marvel's #2 best selling comic. At least Cyclops was able to outsmart Osborn and still has his job as leader of the X-Men...something Stark hasn't been able to do.![]()
Silk Spectre and Hooded Justice had a sham marriage to cover up his homersexuality..... Basically, Mike's saying that Cyclops' a bit limp on the wrist.
Realistically, the writers can make any character smarter, faster, superior than any other while the next can retcon can take all of that way.
I say YES to ANY X-MEN comiquettes, including Cyclops.
of the xmen i need a new wolverine and a phoenix!!!!and cyclops of course!!
I already picked up the EX Wolvie comiquette (LOVE that piece). So, I'd rather SS released some new characters before they revisit a new Wolvie comiquette. I'm down for Cyke and Phoenix though.
More than happy with the Bowen X-Men, just need to get Gambit (too damn overpriced) & Prof X (if they ever make em)
problem with the X-Men is, you get onw, you gotta get them all. I don't feel like dropping $2K plus on X-Men Comiquettes...not to mention Sideshow's Beast is a disgrace.
I was very disappointed with Bowen's Archangel.....for shame.