Is his jacket removable? or did that dream not become a reality...
yup it comes folded up in it's own little compartment on the top of the styrofoam
Is his jacket removable? or did that dream not become a reality...
My waitlist for the EX just converted! Yes!!!
My waitlist for the EX just converted! Yes!!!
I don't think it's shipped yet. Probably want to push the sales of the REGULAR.
Congrats Ricard.
Consider yourself lucky. Don't think we'll be hearing to many of these being handed out.
Thanks brother
* For the ones asking about the waitlist
I entered it in the next morning after it sold out.
Next morning?! took 7 months to convert? Stop crushing my hope...
Thanks brother
* For the ones asking about the waitlist
I entered it in the next morning after it sold out.
Yea Ex is not a must imo.
Some statue you really want to go with an Ex .... Like CA or Thor .... Cyclops ... I want the art print .... the Ex head not so much .... In worst I just get the reg .... but of cos ... considering you can get an ex or reg at the same price .... one should have stick with the ex ... even putting the ex head to scare next door's kids....