Wonder if we can take off the jacket.
Yeah, that would've been great but it can be overlooked.
I agree, but I can forgive that. I think of it as more of a "Im ready for anything" pose. If you think about it, the side of his visor is like the trigger of a gun. If you're ready for anything your finger is close to the trigger, but not actually pulling it.
Hope they come out with a comiquette version.
EFF it... I'll cut the damn jacket off.
I think the jacket looks alright. It certainly doesn't kill the piece for me or anything but I'd of preferred it without it. The thing I don't like is how all the X-Men so far will be wearing brown jackets...Rogue, Cyclops, and Gambit.
Storm better not have a brown jacket.
Storm's cape could be cloth. Or they could do like Iron Man and make them 1/4 but call it a comiquette.