I don't mind the somewhat limited articulation here and there, but something definitely went wrong with the face sculpt. It looks very strange. I still might get him though next time Blufin is at one of the local conventions.
I have a feeling they will prolly do just 1 more character and call it a day for this line.
Nu-uh dude. They got kyo, Kim, Mai, joe, Ryo or takuma, ryu, ken and guile planned.
I can't effin wait.
Nu-uh dude. They got kyo, Kim, Mai, joe, Ryo or takuma, ryu, ken and guile planned.
I can't effin wait.
You do realize they don't have to actually do any of those right? This isn't the first time companies like Bandai and Max Factory have shown off protos just to have them never released. If Terry isn't well received then they won't bother continuing the lineup.
Like what monger said, it ain't the first time bandai scrap up a line despite having the Protos. Naruto comes to mind.
Judging from the reviews and how these are selling, I don't think this is gonna do well. I hope I'm wrong though, since I used to be a huge fan of KOF back in the day. My favorite is Kyo and Iori.
I was wondering Wth happened with the naruto figs they showed a while back. What's the deal with those anyhow? I mean, they didn't even release a single figure, so why would they be canceled based off of sales numbers when there were no sales to be had?
Because a lot of their Figuarts lines were not profitable, such as One Piece. The only reason they continued the Dragon Ball line was because of the US support for it. Figuarts Zero is enough for Bandai when it comes to licenses like One Piece and Naruto so they probably canned the Naruto Figuarts with that sort of thinking.
That's a damn shame...and now you've put out my hopes on the kof line...thanks buddy. WHYYYYYYYY??????!!!!!!!!
*cries in the corner*