Dagger Comiquette

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She sure does buddy. Great looking nalgas on that. :monkey5

looks good, not great though imo.
500 is a nice es also, i have it on order but not sure if i'm going to keep it.

just something doesn't look quite right with her,:confused: at least to me anyways.
looks good, not great though imo.
500 is a nice es also, i have it on order but not sure if i'm going to keep it.

just something doesn't look quite right with her,:confused: at least to me anyways.

I think its a great sculpt...but the pose isn't doing it for me...kinda frilly.
I think its a great sculpt...but the pose isn't doing it for me...kinda frilly.

i'm not sure what my problem is with her,:confused: but at least i won't feel bad about ORCAing with her since the es was already predetermined.

maybe it's just that it's another line that i feel i'd need to be a completest with. so in the end i may just stick with the AH line. especially with the Black Queen coming. i think she's the best so far in the AH line and well i can't compare to this line since Dagger is the first, and i would be unfair to compare her.
but at least i won't feel bad about ORCAing with her since the es was already predetermined.

Isn't that a nice feeling? :lol Now, no more guilt.

I didn't preorder this particular piece, but any piece in the future that I'm on the fence about, I can PO without much guilt if I do decide to cancel. I like this new approach from Sideshow. I hope it lasts for a while.
I'm surprised the Ex hasn't sold out yet.

I'm not. It's a great piece, but with this economy, it's going to take a lot (in my opinion) to turn a comiquette PO of all things into a mass frenzy. This won't be flippable (nor will many pieces) for a while to come, if ever. That's why there's no "wait list" on this one yet. The flippers are broke. :lol
No kidding... with all the problems people were having getting in I would have expected it to be long gone.

i think it might also be because of the trooper PF that was up for po tonight for all them sw nuts.
we all know how crazy they get with a new release.:lol:banana:banana

Isn't that a nice feeling? :lol Now, no more guilt.

I didn't preorder this particular piece, but any piece in the future that I'm on the fence about, I can PO without much guilt if I do decide to cancel. I like this new approach from Sideshow. I hope it lasts for a while.

yeah i like the new approach, i hope the keep it that way for awhile.
as for been on the fence, i guess that's how i felt about this one.
when it was first announced i was just kinda..........hmmmm yeah we'll see. the only reason i ordered it was because of the predetermined es. but even if i didn't order it, i'm sure i could get on the wl and i would convert down the road like everything else has.

well except for iron spidey that is. and yes i got one coming:banana:banana:banana can't wait for that one.