So I saw a post by Nanjin on FB. He seems to be implying issues with the production of TNG. I can't really make sense (as usual) of what he's saying. He seems to say that because of the tariffs he's going to speed up production of the crew. Which frankly I'd rejoice if it means we finally get Riker and Worf - who I have been hoping for ever since QMX showed them back in 2017 or whenever it was. But also says "ideal conditions no longer valid" and "such a pity Murphy's Law to take place when we are halfway through TNG". I've included a screen grab in case anyone can decipher what he's saying. For the last couple of years I've suspected we might never see these guys, along with the classic movie-era crew. Cannot say how irritated I would be if we wind up with 12 Picards, 2 Datas, Geordi, and Crusher. And Wes???? In my opinion - and I know it's only my personal preference, that's a pointless representation of the crew. Just don't understand why he couldn't have wrapped up TNG a year ago. Then again, at least I have my bearded, disco version of McCoy (that appears for all of 3 minutes on screen), so I have that oddball version to complete my Classic Trek movie lineup. Hopefully when he says he's speeding things up we actually finally get Riker and Worf. As usual, I've no idea how to take his post.