Thinking of pre-ordering this, is DAMTOYs fairly new? Wondering how their other figures hold up. I still want the Hot Toys a bit more for consistency but this may justify a spot for me alone.
Don't forget Bayek from Origins is now up also.DAMToys has been around for quite a few years now. They started off with (and still make) Military figures, even in 1/12 scale now. They also have the very popular Gangsters Kingdom line which are cartoon type versions of characters/actors like Travolta and Jackson in Pulp Fiction, Jason Satham, Vinnie Jones, Jude Law, Danny Trejo, Ron Pearlman, etc.
If I'm not mistaken VTS is a branch of DAMToys.
They've also made premium statues for select Transformers movies, T2 T-800 at Cyberdyne and Orcs from the Warcraft movie, though I believe only available overseas.
They acquired the AC license a couple years ago and started with Edward Kenway, then made Altair and Aguilar, Connor Kenway and now AC2 Ezio as well as AC Rogue Shay Cormac.
I think I got the details down but maybe someone else knows more than I do.
Don't forget Bayek from Origins is now up also.
Not right now. 13 available.Sold out at BBTS. After PO mentor Ezio from revelations I'm excited to get this one before hand.
Ah ok it's back up. Yup people should jump on it now.Not right now. 13 available.
Yay! They fixed his sculpt... and if the head drops that far back into the hood, then it finally looks like they're getting the hang of things... Even though I have the hot toys one, I cannot wait to see this in hand as the final production figure.New photos are up. New sculpt as well.
You have to go to someone who imports or go through an Asian retailer. He's exclusive to Asian territories per licensure.Hope they do this version so that theres all 3 versions of Ezio's outfits. Also has anyone seen Revelation Ezio for preorder on any website for shipping to the US? BBTS doesn't have him for some reason.