Daniel Craig hs - which hairstyle?

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Oh my goodness! you are my reason for checking the boards every couple of hours. I can't wait to see this finished with Hair sculpted. you have got the likeness 100% from the front and side and I am dreaming of the day that I can paint one. Absolutely Brilliant!!!:fireworks:fireworks
That is top notch! I cannot not wait to see it finished with the hair.
I know I am a newbie and my opinion doesnt matter,but this is the bect Craig Head sculpt I have seen.I am a huge Craig fan and this is the best!!!You should be working for Sideshow and get them to do this one.
Dare: I dare say that is the best Daniel Craig sculpt I've ever seen.
Truth: Yeah, it is.

Seriously, flawless!
Yeah, amazing work. Everyone else's sculpys seem to be off in some way, I guess he must be a difficuly one to really capture but your's nails it - even without the hair. :rock
I know I am a newbie and my opinion doesnt matter,but this is the bect Craig Head sculpt I have seen.I am a huge Craig fan and this is the best!!!You should be working for Sideshow and get them to do this one.

Hey, this is Sideshow Freaks, your opinion always matters!

Anyway, just done a quick photoshop to show of the awesomeness of this sculpt...


Best Craig ever!!! :rock :007
This looks great Susala. I would be interested in buying one if you are going to make a run of them.
hey Natty, that was a QUICK photoshop paintup?!? that is outstanding!!! even further brings out the brilliance of Susala's sculpt!! awesomeness.

oh, and please count me in for one if you are offering them!
That is great work! Can't wait to see the finished product!

If you go into business, I'm down for one too!:D
Yes, this really does look like the best DC sculpt out there!
I made a mold of the bald head today, so I can probably do 2 versions with different hair.

And thanks so much for all your kind words and PMs, it means a lot to me! :bouncin
Susala, love the work! Will you be offering it up? MUST have one. Please give us a little ordering info

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