Daredevil Born Again (Disney+) - March 4, 2025

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Eh, visually he seems like a somewhat second rate wannabe Walter Kovacs Rorschach.
Yet agree the whole what if Banksy was a serial killer making "social street art" with the blood, flailed bodies parts, and limbs of his victims, is a pretty interesting take, if that's what he is.
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There's no superhero fatigue imo, it's just bad superhero content fatigue.
You're not wrong. Good stories are all we need but it's been pretty sloppy out there for the most part. Case in point, the other thread about Invincible; I'd rather watch that than almost all of the recent MCU fare.
so Why exactly is everyone happy fisk won? This is why they needed to tell more grounded storie instead mutiverse crap and focus on the steet level heroes more.
We don't really know much about the street type crime in New york.

Every spiderman movie after homecoming focused on something grand in huge far from street level and those netflix shows have all but been forgotten except daredevi maybe. Moon knight of course wasn't really street level and had some big stupid cgi battle in Eygypt. Then of course Hawkeye was taking out street level crooks and he said he didn't want to go against Kingpin. So how exactly does he feel about this? See this is exactly why they neede to focus on more grouded type things instead of capturing big cgi epic battles in avengers movies.

I know everyone loves that first avengers movie but imo it was literally Transformers Dark of the moon with superheroes. Gray boring aliens and slug ships galore. Such a sub par movie but it helped the brand alot but also made it so that the MCu relied to much on these huge big epic battles they forgot tot tell smaller stories.

IDk just me.
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You're not wrong. Good stories are all we need but it's been pretty sloppy out there for the most part. Case in point, the other thread about Invincible; I'd rather watch that than almost all of the recent MCU fare.
Yea i've been saying this forever. Superhero stuff has been active since forever. and since 2002 we have had a superhero movie almost every summer. They are either good, bad, decent or amazing content. The batman comes to mind. We have had lots of Batman content but the character is just so endesring and you can do so much with him people come back for more.
I know everyone loves that first avengers movie but imo it was literally Transformers Dark of the moon with superheroes. Gray boring alien and slug ships galore. Such a sub par movie but it helped the brand alot but also made it so that the MCu relied to much on these huge big epic battles they forgot tot tell smaller stories.

IDk just me.
I've really enjoyed a lot of MCU (including A1) but I've never been a huge fan of most of the climactic CG-fests these films inevitably ended with, so it's not just you.
I've really enjoyed a lot of MCU (including A1) but I've never been a huge fan of most of the climactic CG-fests these films inevitably ended with, so it's not just you.
Yea. I get why they do it. To end things off with a bang but it got very tired after awhile. Compare the Raimi and MCu spiderman. Watch that last green goblin fight and then watch the no way home final battle. Yea thats exactly what the MCU is missing.
I'm surprised Disney had the balls to do the whole "dirty cops appropriating the Punisher logo" thing, especially since there were real life cops actually doing that.
Why? I expect that to be a complaint in the future from the back the blue crowd not matter how accurate it is.
so Why exactly is everyone happy fisk won? This is why they needed to tell more grounded storie instead mutiverse crap and focus on the steet level heroes more.
We don't really know much about the street type crime in New york.

Every spiderman movie after homecoming focused on something grand in huge far from street level and those netflix shows have all but been forgotten except daredevi maybe. Moon knight of course wasn't really street level and had some big stupid cgi battle in Eygypt. Then of course Hawkeye was taking out street level crooks and he said he didn't want to go against Kingpin. So how exactly does he feel about this? See this is exactly why they neede to focus on more grouded type things instead of capturing big cgi epic battles in avengers movies.

I know everyone loves that first avengers movie but imo it was literally Transformers Dark of the moon with superheroes. Gray boring aliens and slug ships galore. Such a sub par movie but it helped the brand alot but also made it so that the MCu relied to much on these huge big epic battles they forgot tot tell smaller stories.

IDk just me.

Yea i've been saying this forever. Superhero stuff has been active since forever. and since 2002 we have had a superhero movie almost every summer. They are either good, bad, decent or amazing content. The batman comes to mind. We have had lots of Batman content but the character is just so endesring and you can do so much with him people come back for more.

calm down friend