Daredevil Comiquette

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I haven't, but again, not just looking at the height issue, look at the scale of the body proportions. IMO, it's just not there for me.

Well just measured him Cap is 0.65" too tall which is definitely acceptable 1:4 scale but that makes up the height difference, Cap being 0.65 inches taller than he should and Punisher 0.8 inches too short. That's makes a total of 0.65 + 0.8 = 1.45 inches. That may makes up the height difference you see in the picture also taking into account Cap's slightly elevated base. So Cap is slightly big for 1/4 scale and Punisher is slightly small.

I think we derailed the discussion enuff tho'. Thanks for clearing that up bro, I always wondered about that pic.

Now back to scheduled programmin'.
I was looking forward to this piece after seeing the concept artwork, but from the looks of things it pales in comparison to Bowen's latest Daredevil on Gargoyle (the Classic design).
:exactly: God please be 1/4 scale :pray:

Hi Chap....it's finally here :hi5:

Even if this is 1/4 scale. The base already looks taller than the actual statue. So this will make the actual statue less than 1/4 scale. You better pray for something bigger, man.
I can't say I'm impressed. I'll pass unless more pics show it to be a lot nicer.
Look at the picture posted a few pages back. He's not even close to 1/4. The sculptor may have sculpted it at that scale but the production piece isn't even in the ballpark of 1/4 scale. Looking at my Venom piece, I'm still sticking with 1/5 on him as well.

the punisher is somewhere around 1/4, I have him next to boba fett & the classic IM comiquette. they're all just about even
this has gotta be 1/5 punisher looks like danny diveto.... he'll be the same scale as bullseye. SS needs this piece to move all there bullseye 1/5 scale

They probably need to come up with like three 1/5 Daredevils then....

....or maybe just another 1/5 Bullseye.
I haven't, but again, not just looking at the height issue, look at the scale of the body proportions. IMO, it's just not there for me.

That's the thing. People often forget that and go height. You have to remember that the height dimensions often include the base which throws things off. That aside its proportions more than anything else. I had the Spidey PF, had the two Spidey Comiquettes, the proportions were way off. The Comiquettes were smaller even though height wise they might "pass". I guarantee you that Olivetti's Spidey will follow suit, he'll be proportionately smaller. This will be the same, when a DD fan gets this and then the eventual PF you'll see them side by side and that will be enough.
I think we're all going to be pretty impressed with this once we see it. I was overwhelmed by Daredevil, too, at first. But looking at it again (while forcing myself to ignore the base), I think that the sculpt looks terrific. Daredevil's costume isn't all that flashy to begin with. I can see some nice details like the piped seams that are currently en vouge among the more popular Marvel characters.

The more I look at it, the more I think that the reason people are underwhelmed isn't because Daredevil is so lackluster. It's because the base is so amazing. :rock It's hard for a simple costume like Daredevil's to compete with that level of detail. And, yes, given that it's Elektra's grave upon which he's perched, I'm sure that this will make for one amazing coupling with the Bullseye comiquette.
the exclusive sculpt sucks.

Not really into all the prints so much but that print is sick! I think they should start doing the print and change up part with all exclusives instead of doing just one or the other. Makes it more exclusive imo.
DD is tiny...but I will still be purchasing the exclusvie. This seems more like a diorama that anything else. I bet DD isn't much larger than bowen's recent version.