So, typical comic book gimmick. End a long-running comic and start a new one in a few months with issue number 1 (where presumably the hero will find "redemption" for whatever this shadowland business is, or will be "reborn" somehow, possibly with a new person taking on the personae or with him wearing a new outfit) in order to temporarily increase hype and boost sales.
So, typical comic book gimmick. End a long-running comic and start a new one in a few months with issue number 1 (where presumably the hero will find "redemption" for whatever this shadowland business is, or will be "reborn" somehow, possibly with a new person taking on the personae or with him wearing a new outfit) in order to temporarily increase hype and boost sales.
Someone needs to shoot Quesada. He's been nothing but poison to the Marvel universe.
Actually the huge number speaks to why American comics have become so awful. They are written to never end, as in never stop making money. Rather than seek to tell a good story, you know one with a beginning, middle and end, American comics degrade into this undying institution no better than Beetle Bailey or Apartment 3-G. Compare that with manga series that actually have real, meaningful ends even if they could have gone on and on. Further good storytelling has to have the potential of real consequences, but as someone at DC sneered once, Marvel put a revolving door on heaven.
For several decades comics got better, but only because a more liberal, sophisticated society allowed them to actually write about increasingly mature concepts and/or complex, multi-thread plots. Superhero comics stalled in the early 1990's (the fifty cover variants of X-Men No.1 being a good point of decline) and with a few exceptions like the Ultimate universe never have been good since.
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Marvel is pure ____. Better to take the 3-4 bucks per issue and go to the back issue bin and pick up some old silver age goodness.
For example:
Would you rather spend 4 bucks on this or 4 bucks reinforcing the fact that Joe Quesada is making great choices as the Editor and Chief of Marvel?
I'd rather buy neither. The classics are all but worthless with the invention of Ebay which all but killed demand and the investment comics once were. Additionally most of those team-up stories are lame with no winner. Just two heroes contemplating on their battle. And buying comics nowadays pollutes the institution telling them that what they're doing is justified.
That said, there are standouts like The Walking Dead who go completely against the grain.
Well, that was just a random choice. Trades and GNs are the only way to go.
I'd rather buy neither. The classics are all but worthless with the invention of Ebay which all but killed demand and the investment comics once were.
This is going to show my extreme ignorance of actual comic issues but I've only collected TPBs and HCs for well over fifteen years now...
The Daredevil book that used to be written by Bendis and is now written by Brubaker, what is the official name of that book? The latest collection only had up to issue 119, so it's obviously a different book.
I thought that was the regular Daredevil title, but I'm assuming there are two?