Daredevil the Netflix series

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That would be a pretty big grab for the TV side of MCU. Hopefully more of a push to get DD on the big screen.
One of the things that the Netflix model of TV has that regular TV doesn't is that they shoot everything on a film time table which means they can go after film actors and actresses because the time commitments are overreaching like signing onto something on a network. It's possible that they got him but I read something where he was talking about how the stunts in Marvel were "meh" so that doesn't sound to confirming unless he is planning on changing it.
He's also good at doing his own action.
And he already played bullseye type of character.
I've liked him less and less as the years go on. He just plays the same role in everything he's in.

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Bullseye is hands down in my top 5 favorite super villains with one of the reasons being that he's always wanting to kill someone. He's basically kind of like a slightly more sane Carnage with uncanny precision. I love the dude, especially when he was in Dark Reign.
Basically, he's an evil version of Hawkeye.

I think Statham would be a great choice as he's already played him to a certain extent in the Expendables. I wouldn't have a problem with him here either. I just wonder if they'll give him a suit or if he'll end up with something like Ferrell did in the Affleck film. If they get a bigger name like him, it does give me hope we'll see him and/or Daredevil pop up in the films too. I'm surprised Daredevil hasn't been added to the roster of Civil War yet frankly.
Pretty much. Norman Osborn even made him Hawkeye as part of his Avengers. But the advantage he has over Hawkeye is that he can turn anything into a dangerous projectile.

That's true (and would make for an interesting film concept now that Osborn would be back in Marvel's universe). It would also make for a great fight scene between the two. I mean AoU did a good job making Hawkeye more relevant, but a one on one fight with Bullseye would be awesome. I just hope with these Netflix characters they don't keep them as segregated from the films as they've been doing with AoS. AoS barely feels connected to the films right now because there has been so little cross overs of characters or events. Winter Soldier made the last part of the first season of AoS awesome, but other than that I feel they've been far too limited. An appearance by Hawkeye on Daredevil or Bullseye in anything else would really help bridge them. Because right now, even AoS and Daredevil feel separate from each other. They need more of an Arrow/Flash or Chicago Fire/PD cross over style to really pull everything together. I don't yet feel Tony Stark could stumble into Matt Murdock yet or that its even remotely possible right now. Heck, I'm still not even completely convinced Spidey's going to run into anyone at this point :lol
Well if he did say Marvel's stunts are meh, he certainly had to of said it before TWS and this; because the combat is amazing.

Also if he was in this, he wouldn't be the kingpin of the series. I can see him like Nobu, your holy **** action badass sequence between him and Murdock.

I think he'd be a ****ing perfect casting.
You know, I am only a couple of eps in mind you, but I've been finding it really slow at times. Right now it's ok to me. Which is sad as I really want to like this.