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I've always been a DC guy, about 80/20, I have liked some stuff here and there from Marvel, but currently I'm just reading 2 or 3 Marvel series, they're just not good reads at all anymore, it's like reading the MCU writing-wise, ugh.

I am very much looking forward to Squadron Supreme though.

As a kid I was a DC guy only, but then I turned to Marvel. Ever since I discovered pull lists, mine has been exclusively Marvel themed. Heck, when ANAD was announced, I dropped every other title I was pulling and I got only Marvel stuff. Here's my current one:

1) The Amazing Spider-Man
2) Spider-Man 2099
3) Deadpool
4) Doctor Strange
5) Ultimates
6) Howling Commandos of SHIELD
7) Carnage
8) Karnak
9) Uncanny X-Men
10) Guardians of Infinity
11) Daredevil
12) Darth Vader

So, as you can see, I'm was a pretty big fan as of late. But then I actually read some of the titles I was pulling and let me tell you, I was not impressed. I mean, Doctor Strange is now a young womanizer who wears sneakers and gets insulted by two-bit magicians? The guy who used to save reality and meditate every second is now smooching? Then I read TASM, and New Avengers and Uncanny Avengers and I read the latest scoops and I came to one conclusion: Marvel's just not for me anymore. They rely on gimmick, after gimmick, after gimmick, constantly relaunching titles and raising the prices. They add a back-up, half-assed story every few months and sell the book for 7 bucks.

Plus there's this whole "diversity" thing. As a non-American, I consider myself a comic book minority, and I love the fact that more and more POC and females are getting solos. Ms. Marvel, Angela, Captain Marvel, etc, etc, I can get behind. Heck, I even like Sam as Cap, though I prefer him as the Falcon. What I can't get over however, is the fact that Thor got his name stolen, and Aaron used the book in order to deliver his half-assed message (search for New Thor, Titania fight). I don't like the fact that stories are now second to Political Correctness, but only when it comes to certain groups. For example, in a recent issue of Deadpool, he travelled to Greece and we were portrayed as racist, xenophobic, still believing in Zeus and thieves. That was perfectly fine, not one person said "hey man, this ain't right". Meanwhile, you can't say "I didn't really like Gillien's Young Avengers" because the automatic response is that you're a homophobic who can't stand the sight of a gay couple. Please, Midnighter's one of my favourite characters, I just didn't find the story well written or the characters likeable.

So, in light of all this mess going on at Marvel, I've decided to jump back to DC. Because when I was younger I was a hardcore DC guy. JL, Batman, Superman, that was my Saturday morning. GL and Flash were my heroes (along with Spider-Man). So it's strange that I shifted towards Marvel during my teens. Dunno why, it just happened. But, either way, I'm done with them. I'll still keep a few titles (Darth Vader most probably) and make room for 2 more (Black Panther & Moon Knight during spring), but for the most part, I'll be looking to DC and Valiant for my titles. So, do you have any reccomendations?

PS: Funny story is, I pull/drop Batman every other month. I get 2 issues, I drop it to make room. I lose 1 issue, I re-sub. Dunno why, I just do. I want to add it again, but I'm missing the first 14 issues plus some others, and I don't like having incomplete series, plus the fact that the first issues cost from hundreds to thousands of dollars turns me off a bit. I might look into 2nd, 3rd printings though, or get the trades. It's just that I really want to add it again but I'm kinda turned off by that fact.
Dude, you're preaching to the choir :lol in pandering to the non-reader sjw Marvel seems to be losing quite a bit of long time fans for the time being, political correctness is pretty hypocritical nowadays.

Anyway, I'm keeping up with Darth Vader as well, the series has been fantastic.

As for Superhero stuff I'm only sticking to Ms. Marvel (sjw done right), MK and Deadpool cause I love DP, I even quit Thors despite Thor being my favorite character, I just can't stand Lady Thor, I gave her a fair chance, her 1st appearance was quite fun, but it turns out Lady Thor is an empty carcass of a character, just an avatar for feminists to mindlessly clap at, it's funny that this is supposed to be about "equality" yet her entire thing revolves around Thor being a woman... No personality, no plot, no good writing, no nothing, but she's a woman and that alone is supposed to be EMPOWERING! Not to mention they haven't explained how Thor lost the hammer and I don't think they ever will. Bs gimmick is bs.
I've always been a DC guy, about 80/20, I have liked some stuff here and there from Marvel, but currently I'm just reading 2 or 3 Marvel series, they're just not good reads at all anymore, it's like reading the MCU writing-wise, ugh.

I am very much looking forward to Squadron Supreme though.

haha I hope one of those 2-3 series were Hickman's Avengers. That stuff was mind blowing.

and good on you for reading Ms. Marvel! I love her series so much! She's hands down my favorite new hero since Young Avengers and Runaways and probably my favorite series right now from Marvel and honestly reminds me of when I discovered Spider-Man for the first time and that's a good thing.

I actually like Lady/Jane Thor. I'm pretty much cool with it cause it i'm sure female Thor won't last too long just like with how Superior Spidey was which was a good 2 years and i'm even sure that Steve will be Cap again soon. I do think it's a nice switch up for the time being and I do agree that it's taking WAY too long to find out what the HELL Fury whispered to Thor....i'm sorry, Odinson. :p

I'm reading 2 series from DC right now which is Black Canary and Sensation Comics, and I have a weird love/hate relationship with Black Canary. They're CLEARLY trying to do a Marvel/Hawkeye Fraction thing with it. Just Dinah being in a band and as fun as it is, i'm just treating it like an elseworlds story and would really rather her doing some superheroics and all that.
Dude, you're preaching to the choir :lol in pandering to the non-reader sjw Marvel seems to be losing quite a bit of long time fans for the time being, political correctness is pretty hypocritical nowadays.

Anyway, I'm keeping up with Darth Vader as well, the series has been fantastic.

As for Superhero stuff I'm only sticking to Ms. Marvel (sjw done right), MK and Deadpool cause I love DP, I even quit Thors despite Thor being my favorite character, I just can't stand Lady Thor, I gave her a fair chance, her 1st appearance was quite fun, but it turns out Lady Thor is an empty carcass of a character, just an avatar for feminists to mindlessly clap at, it's funny that this is supposed to be about "equality" yet her entire thing revolves around Thor being a woman... No personality, no plot, no good writing, no nothing, but she's a woman and that alone is supposed to be EMPOWERING! Not to mention they haven't explained how Thor lost the hammer and I don't think they ever will. Bs gimmick is bs.

Preach on brother. NuThor is just Thordis with a new costume. Honestly, she doesn't have anything more than the average 70s girlfriend. No emotions, personality, nothing. Just a stunt that'll be over in about a year. Plus, don't get me going on the way Thor lost his hammer. And now that I mentioned, by God, what they did to Fury was absymall. They could've just waited a bit and brought in Ultimate Fury but nope, we're now stuck with a bad copy.

Deadpoll was actually one of the few titles that I anticipated every month, so I'll probably stick with it as well. Duggan has proved a worthy successor to the Joe Kelly version of Deadpool. But apart from that and maybe 3 or 4 titles I'm done. I'm in no mood to see my favourite characters get the short end of the stick. Plus, Marvel's been pretty stale of a while now. The stories just aren't as original anymore. The X-Men fight amongst themselves, the Avengers are dicks, some space thing happens causin an event and rinse and repeat. For my money, DC is more original. At least from what I've read (Martian Manhunter, Constantine, Midnighter). Say, do you have any current DC reccomendations?
haha I hope one of those 2-3 series were Hickman's Avengers. That stuff was mind blowing.

and good on you for reading Ms. Marvel! I love her series so much! She's hands down my favorite new hero since Young Avengers and Runaways and probably my favorite series right now from Marvel and honestly reminds me of when I discovered Spider-Man for the first time and that's a good thing.

I actually like Lady/Jane Thor. I'm pretty much cool with it cause it i'm sure female Thor won't last too long just like with how Superior Spidey was which was a good 2 years and i'm even sure that Steve will be Cap again soon. I do think it's a nice switch up for the time being and I do agree that it's taking WAY too long to find out what the HELL Fury whispered to Thor....i'm sorry, Odinson. :p

I'm reading 2 series from DC right now which is Black Canary and Sensation Comics, and I have a weird love/hate relationship with Black Canary. They're CLEARLY trying to do a Marvel/Hawkeye Fraction thing with it. Just Dinah being in a band and as fun as it is, i'm just treating it like an elseworlds story and would really rather her doing some superheroics and all that.

Oh yes, Hickman's stuff was great. Most hated it, but personally I loved his run, especially on NA. It explored some really dark corners and had some great scenes and situations.
Oh yes, Hickman's stuff was great. Most hated it, but personally I loved his run, especially on NA. It explored some really dark corners and had some great scenes and situations.

That's interesting cause all i've heard from people were praise. Especially when Infinity was going on. I think it had a lot of the same great topics and such that his Fantastic Four run had as well all spanning back to multiple universes and all that. Plus, I just love how his New Avengers run still shows how much he cares for the FF and is still currently writing the hell out of their characters in Secret Wars. The stuff he's been writing with Doom has been pretty much perfect imo. I love it. I absolutely love it.

It makes me sad that this level of storytelling will probably never ever happen in the movies though. :( I hate to say it but I think it'd be too much for the general public.
That's interesting cause all i've heard from people were praise. Especially when Infinity was going on. I think it had a lot of the same great topics and such that his Fantastic Four run had as well all spanning back to multiple universes and all that. Plus, I just love how his New Avengers run still shows how much he cares for the FF and is still currently writing the hell out of their characters in Secret Wars. The stuff he's been writing with Doom has been pretty much perfect imo. I love it. I absolutely love it.

It makes me sad that this level of storytelling will probably never ever happen in the movies though. :( I hate to say it but I think it'd be too much for the general public.

In every forum I visited (cbr, comicvine) the general consensus was that Hickman had turned those characters into monsters, and that the honorable thing would've been to just let everyone die and yadda, yadda, yadda... Well, that was the bloody point of the story, that sometimes your choices are limited and hard. But I guess some people just didn't want anything resembling character growth. They just wanted their favourites to be Mary Sues and Gary Stus. Eh, that's the comic book community for you.
haha I hope one of those 2-3 series were Hickman's Avengers. That stuff was mind blowing.

and good on you for reading Ms. Marvel! I love her series so much! She's hands down my favorite new hero since Young Avengers and Runaways and probably my favorite series right now from Marvel and honestly reminds me of when I discovered Spider-Man for the first time and that's a good thing.

I actually like Lady/Jane Thor. I'm pretty much cool with it cause it i'm sure female Thor won't last too long just like with how Superior Spidey was which was a good 2 years and i'm even sure that Steve will be Cap again soon. I do think it's a nice switch up for the time being and I do agree that it's taking WAY too long to find out what the HELL Fury whispered to Thor....i'm sorry, Odinson. :p

I'm reading 2 series from DC right now which is Black Canary and Sensation Comics, and I have a weird love/hate relationship with Black Canary. They're CLEARLY trying to do a Marvel/Hawkeye Fraction thing with it. Just Dinah being in a band and as fun as it is, i'm just treating it like an elseworlds story and would really rather her doing some superheroics and all that.

Ms. Marvel is awesome, funny light writing, diverse modern characters without being millennial-y dbags and stupid, great art for the most part, good analogy with Spiderman, and nope, haven't read Hickman's :lol

Well, the difference with Superior Spidey is that there was tons of personality and good writing there, people actually complained when Peter Parker came back :lol, Lady Thor has paper thin personality and **** writing imo.

imo DC is doing a better job in giving their characters the "young and modern" treatment than Marvel, they're not ******** on them to begin with :lol AND they're ALSO keeping the classic superhero aesthetic/story telling, unlike Marvel which is giving little to nothing to the fans of the more classic stuff.

Preach on brother. NuThor is just Thordis with a new costume. Honestly, she doesn't have anything more than the average 70s girlfriend. No emotions, personality, nothing. Just a stunt that'll be over in about a year. Plus, don't get me going on the way Thor lost his hammer. And now that I mentioned, by God, what they did to Fury was absymall. They could've just waited a bit and brought in Ultimate Fury but nope, we're now stuck with a bad copy.

Deadpoll was actually one of the few titles that I anticipated every month, so I'll probably stick with it as well. Duggan has proved a worthy successor to the Joe Kelly version of Deadpool. But apart from that and maybe 3 or 4 titles I'm done. I'm in no mood to see my favourite characters get the short end of the stick. Plus, Marvel's been pretty stale of a while now. The stories just aren't as original anymore. The X-Men fight amongst themselves, the Avengers are dicks, some space thing happens causin an event and rinse and repeat. For my money, DC is more original. At least from what I've read (Martian Manhunter, Constantine, Midnighter). Say, do you have any current DC reccomendations?

70's girlfriend :lol That's the perfect wording, isn't that just ironic?

The last DP series is going to make you laugh and feel, it's one of my favorite series almost if not on par with Kelly's, it starts a little slow maybe, but after the presidents run it gets good.

My favorite issues where the "lost" issues, you're gonna love them.
Ms. Marvel is awesome, funny light writing, diverse modern characters without being millennial-y dbags and stupid, great art for the most part, good analogy with Spiderman, and nope, haven't read Hickman's :lol

Well, the difference with Superior Spidey is that there was tons of personality and good writing there, Lady Thor has paper thin personality and writing imo.

imo DC is doing a better job in giving their characters the "young and modern" treatment than Marvel, they're not ******** on them to begin with :lol AND they're ALSO keeping the classic superhero aesthetic/story telling, unlike Marvel which is giving little to nothing to the fans of the more classic stuff.

70's girlfriend :lol That's the perfect wording, isn't that just ironic?

The last DP series is going to make you laugh and feel, it's one of my favorite series almost if not on par with Kelly's, it starts a little slow maybe, but after the presidents run it gets good.

My favorite issues where the "lost" issues, you're gonna love them.

Oh, I was pulling Deadpool, I have those issues and they were fun as hell. Especially the Wakanda one. I was talking about some DC title recommendations. I was thinking of adding Batman, Manhunter, Constantine and Midnighter, but I have room for a couple more, and I'd like a second opinion.
Well, Action Comics has been fantastic right from the start, Superman started slow but it picked up and it's pretty great too at the moment.

For more classic superhero stuff, I've loved Justice League from the start, but you can skin the 1st six issues which is the "origin" arc.

Midnighter has been good too, I have yet to start Constantine, Bizarro is really fun and cute, Flash has also been consistently fantastic from the start, Wonder Woman too, these last 2 had 40+ issues with the same artists and writers because they were that good.

I'm not feeling the new Batman, but until new Batman all Batman series have been just what you'd expect from a Batman run, pretty cool stuff.
Well, Action Comics has been fantastic right from the start, Superman started slow but it picked up and it's pretty great too at the moment.

For more classic superhero stuff, I've loved Justice League from the start, but you can skin the 1st six issues which is the "origin" arc.

Midnighter has been good too, I have yet to start Constantine, Bizarro is really fun and cute, Flash has also been consistently fantastic from the start, Wonder Woman too, these last 2 had 40+ issues with the same artists and writers because they were that good.

I'm not feeling the new Batman, but until new Batman all Batman series have been just what you'd expect from a Batman run, pretty cool stuff.

Hmm, I was pulling Flash as well but I cancelled it a while back to make room fo ugh, more Marvel stuff. I'll give it a look again. Thanks!
One word: Manapul.

This art right here, in every single panel, and it's just as good of a read.

Over at CBR they're saying that Venditti's Flash is pretty bad, but from what I remember from the Grodd arc, it was pretty damn good. Plus, his X-O is great as well.
Well I think Venditti's run starts at #30, I'm still at #20 and so far it's nothing but Buccellato/Manapul writting and it's awesome, it's worth reading just for them.
Well I think Venditti's run starts at #30, I'm still at #20 and so far it's nothing but Buccellato/Manapul writting and it's awesome, it's worth reading just for them.

Really? Huh, I must've messed up the names. I'll consider it though, I've always liked the premise of the Flash.
Just finished binge watching all 13 episodes and wow, what a really really good show, well written, well acted and makes sense unlike "Arrow" which has descended into farce.

I look forward to season 2.
Well, Action Comics has been fantastic right from the start, Superman started slow but it picked up and it's pretty great too at the moment.

For more classic superhero stuff, I've loved Justice League from the start, but you can skin the 1st six issues which is the "origin" arc.

Midnighter has been good too, I have yet to start Constantine, Bizarro is really fun and cute, Flash has also been consistently fantastic from the start, Wonder Woman too, these last 2 had 40+ issues with the same artists and writers because they were that good.

I'm not feeling the new Batman, but until new Batman all Batman series have been just what you'd expect from a Batman run, pretty cool stuff.

Batman is the best thing about the Nu52..Have you seen the prices on the back issues? Holy **** I had no idea they were going for that much :lol

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