Super Freak
One thing that bugs me about the scene is that is that Joker without makeup or Joker with flesh tone makeup over his clown makeup?
Hey Chris!
Am I too late to get in on this? Thanks!
Hey Chris if you are offering Casting Voids even to sell let me know. My wife is practicing her painting skills on the Art S Bucks and is too scared to try on my HS of Tony I got from you. She'd love the ability to practice!
Chris, I'd definitely be interested and thanks for the offer. My 'hobby' talents ... what I have of any ... consist of turning wrenches on old trucks and bending a few strings playing guitar. What you and guys like Les do [will be searching for the other artist(s) mentioned] is simply amazing and truly artful. But I can always try, right?!
And Buttmunch ... you can't have any fewer posts than me. I think I have all of three (3) now, and they're all on this thread. I just joined the forum tonight and it was due to poking around after seeing TDK and wanting some figures.
Looking forward to your scupts!![]()
Cool! So are you able to get a package deal with it fully painted? After you get an arrangement with a painter, would you be able to post a price? Do we pay now or when it will be shipped?
It's never too late! Just started this thread last night, after all. Though I didn't expect quite so much activity so swiftly, I must admit.
You're on. Did you want the set or just one?
....and payment sent....
Just caught this thread. I'm definately In for a Set. Oh and Chris, a 1/6 Hellboy head instead of a bust would be even more splendid.
Sent my payment in too. Thanks so much!!
Would you consider doing the Ledger Joker with him licking his lips? He did that a LOT in the movie and we don't have anything remotely like that out there yet.
I'm very interested, but I also have to figure out realistically how many different Bale and Ledger heads I need, and I've already got a custom one of each, which is on top of the ones that will come with the Hot Toys figures. I'm much more interested if your heads differ in expression in a substantial way....