Re: Dark Souls
Once you figure out the bosses' patterns, they're pretty simple, especially compared to Demon's Souls.
There are a few that are tricky as hell though, namely Anor Londo's boss(es), the Stray Demon when you return to the Undead Asylum, Sif, and if you've not gotten your parrying down, the last boss can be pretty tough.
Once you hit a certain level of poise and get a decent weapon, though, you can essentially just stand there, take the hits, put up your greatshield and drink a flask, two-hand your weapon and beat the crap out of whatever you're fighting, and repeat until it's dead. Ornstein and Smough (Anor Londo's boss fight) are a different story, because handling them both at the same time is tricky. Took me no less than 30 tries to get through them the first time around.
Of course, the second I did it the hard way and it only took me one try, so maybe it was more of a gear/strategy issue the first time around.