The transformation process of my Dark Toys coat into the 'rain effect version' I always wanted for my Scott Pettersen figure has started.... Hope it works....

(I would never try it on the Iris coat, of course).
By the way, on the DT figure, just did a few mods, and I'm happy with how it looks (even out of the box was fine):
1- Put the Iris coat on it (as said, the DT one will be used on the final scene rainy version)
2- Made shoulders a little higher to remove giraffe neck, using foam from the package, following advice from One Sixth Cave review)
3-changed the shoes
4-added ankle extenders, as he was a tiny short for my taste
5- adjust a bit the tie, and put a tiny amount of glue on it, to keep both laces together in the right place
For the price, can't complain, quality is not bad at all, and lots of accessories. I just wish the paint apps were a bit better on the head, as it's the only thing still bothering me (I may have it repainted on the future, dont know)
Ps: don't be scared by the wet coat... The blue effect goes away once dried