The problem for me is that the dios are boring to look at. I prefer the VS dios for 1) dynamic poses 2) bigger in size. As long as it is sculpted by the Gore Group or Pablo V for consistency I will buy.
As I stated long ago,........................Toe, he know!
Now if only SS can get back on track with VS line, (which is not hard at all!), by releasing Hulk vs Wolverine, Hulk vs Thing, Hulk vs Thor, FF vs Dr. Doom, Capt A. vs Ironman, Spidey vs Doc ock/Vulture/Goblin, Thor vs Silver Surfer, FF vs Galactus, Xmen vs Magneto, Thor vs Destroyer...........etc....etc......etc.....etc
Provided these are all full sculpts, & created by Gore group / Viggiano studios = the best this hobby presently has to offer.
Can't believe SS can't see this yet(???!!!), & are not churning out these classic match-ups, as the possibilities are practically endless, & SS would be hard pressed in exhausting these great classic battles any time soon. Instead, they release 3rd tier characters in order to "stretch" out the line???!!! And only end up with lack of interest & sales, & a very frustrated fan base!
Totally insane!!!