DarkArtist's 1st Annual Halloween BASH!

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Josh no worries. A wedding is bound to happen that weekend. :lecture :lol

Do my eyes deceive me or is that a headless Indy PF on the shelf in your living room Josh? :lol

:lol Yep! I have a firm belief that if anyone else is waiting for me to paint something, and I own one myself. They will have their own back in hand before I have one to display. That's why my Superman isn't repainted, I don't have my own Myers, Roy, or Jason VIII on the shelf....and I don't have an Evil Dead Ash either. My Loomis is headless and my Rorschach is gone too. If my customers suffer, so shall I. :cool:
Hey guys, I was thinking about this today and thought I would share it with you guys as well. It was the response to my Wife's question of why Halloween is so damn important to me... It took me a while to break it down, but I think I have it.

First off, my childhood was all kinds of screwed up. I did have a lot of good moments, but a lot of crazy crap happened to me. I won't go into it all, but to say that I was mentally scarred would be an understatement.

So Halloween was a time that I could shed my skin and put on another...figuratively of course. I could disappear into a character and forget my troubles, be something else...anything except for what I was day to day.

I was really into it, I would make my costumes.... and since we were really poor..it was my only real option if I wanted a full costume. My parents let me watch scary movies, they never censored me. And they didn't object to my dressing up as scary characters. In fact, my Mother once gave me her practice head from her cosmetology school that she messed up...so I could bloody it up and use it with my Jason costume. I was only 10 at the time. So I had support from my family, especially my Mom.

And in 1991 I had a wake up call in the form of my Mother's death. I hadn't seen her for a year and then she was all of a sudden GONE. She died on October 26th, and my costume that year.... ironically enough... was the Grim Reaper. I bought it before she died. To say that I was devastated was an understatement. She was buried shortly after, right around Halloween. I played my last football game on the 30th and unleashed what rage I could on the other team... as my name and story were being broadcast on the loudspeakers. I cried during halftime, the emotions ran pretty high that night.

When Halloween came, I disappeared into the Reaper... haunting houses without a word said. It was therapy to me, I was continuing on with the holiday that my Mother loved so much... and it is in her honor that I continue to love Halloween as much as I do. That is why it is so much a part of my life. My Sister feels the same way, and her story is a bit more tragic because her Birthday is October 15th.

I guess that is also why I loved both the Halloween series and the Friday the 13th series. One deals with the loss of a Mother by a shunned boy and the other is about a boy who loses himself behind a costume on Halloween... :lol

Anyway, that is why the holiday is so much a part of me... it's why I bleed orange and black. :winkpumpk
Wow --very touching Halloween story---
I hope you always remember your Mom this way---very cool!!!!!!!!!
Well guys, I thought I would share with you all some of my test shots for my in work costume for this year. I got in the boots finally, from a friend and took some pics for a horror forum.

I didn't have a lot of time for obvious reasons.. and also the Wife wanted me to go and get dinner, so I had to hurry it along. I forgot to take off my ring, to dirty my hands, and I had to hurry the shots (no planning) and so they are not as good as I would have wanted them to be.

But they do the trick for now, I hope to take some better ones once I fine tune a few things. Also when I get my axe in, and a good lamp for dark shots.

One thing... it is DAMN hot in FL, especially in July. I was sweating buckets, and this was only for a 10 minute shoot. I really hope it cools down in October, or I might have to cut the liner out of the jacket. I might just do that, just in case. I don't really need the extra bulk anyway.









aw man! that costume is great! This means I gotta put a little more elbow grease into my costume so it can be up to par!:whip
Thanks guys! And yeah... INSANE HOT right now... I thought I was going to keel over dead wearing all of that. :lol

I got my axe today though, it's awesome. Rusty and old, as it should be. Definitely looks good for the costume. :rock
awesome pics josh, i take it you will be the bouncer for this party.............;)...........:lol