Super Freak
this sound like a lot of fun...
Too bad I'm completely broke...
Maybe sell some MOTUC
this sound like a lot of fun...
Too bad I'm completely broke...
The night of the party is going to be hilarious though, I'm sure someone will end up crashing in the tub or bathroom floor.
Check this out guys... I did the figures for the total amount that will be spent on this party for decor and such alone... $300.
The food will be another story altogether, but I will cross that bridge when I get there. At least I have 3 months to save for it. Definitely will be fine tuning the decor price to get it closer to my budget, so I am confident I can pull it off.
I got all of my costume stuff coming, so at least I don't have to worry about that. I usually have to spend these three months putting a couple hundred into a it should work out to right around what it always does.
And the guests list for out of towners is now FULL, so I probably won't be able to allow any more out of state attendees unless they plan to get a hotel for the weekend or something. At least unless there is a cancellation.
This weekend I will post a couple of videos to show you guys the plans for the yard and the house layout, so people know what they are getting into if they come.
will probably be me. i haven't had a beer in months so i'll probably get drunk from smelling one.
You should charge people $75 to get in
95% chance of Kate and I being there
Josh no worries. A wedding is bound to happen that weekend.