Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!
Thank you all sooooo much!! Nergal was born of a conversation I had with Les, we were discussing my art style and what we both agreed my strength was. He started describing the very things I often imagine or sketch but never really focused on with my figures. After hanging up, I started brainstorming and came up with a few basic characters and designs that I prefer.
Nergal was the first to pop in my head, taking aspects of Nosferatu...demons, tattoos, with a touch of non human aristocratic flair....
And Sean, the entire face, mouth horns... everything was sculpted with Magic sculpt. The horns were just carefully painted to give them a realistic look. Your words pay me the greatest compliment, because I wanted them to look as real as possible.
I'm very proud of him, but will have to keep working on him to get him as good as I want him to be. And there will be more... much more. After I complete my commissions and get done with the stack of repaints...
I intend on pulling out entirely from the majority of my repaint work and focus on full figures. I know I have said that before, but this time it's looking pretty concrete. I've gotten myself into a hole by not turning down work, and I've started to lose track of customers and their PM's. It's not fair to my customers for me to be so far behind and for communications to suffer. So, my repainting days are pretty numbered.
I'll still do the occasional work for my long term customers and close friends, but nowhere near as often as I do now.
I will however focus on my full figures and original works, allowing me to do more stuff like Negal and push my art forward. At least now, this site has plenty of up and coming artists to take my place.