DarkArtist's End of the Line Thread

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Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Hey guys, sorry for the offline lapse again. Family gatherings were pretty time consuming this holiday season, I wasted hours doing things with various family groups that I wish I could have put towards more work.

I'm still trying to finish items that need to ship, like yours Abstract... which is why I haven't mailed it. I would have done what you asked, but the head has already been swapped and glued together... so I have no choice but to finish it.

I am working on trying to work out a new system, getting up early to go to the gym, coming home and doing painting, then online classwork for this semester. I think I can make it work if I make it habit. Lately, I haven't been able to fit everything in the day and still try to be a decent husband/son/brother/etc. Which is why I haven't been online as well.

And I had another crisis, the GI Bill paid me only a 3rd of what I normally get this month... because of the holiday turnover between semesters... so now I am scrambling to make up the funds and pay my rent. So yeah, it sucks to be me right now... as usual. :lol
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Hey guys, sorry for the offline lapse again. Family gatherings were pretty time consuming this holiday season, I wasted hours doing things with various family groups that I wish I could have put towards more work.

I'm still trying to finish items that need to ship, like yours Abstract... which is why I haven't mailed it. I would have done what you asked, but the head has already been swapped and glued together... so I have no choice but to finish it.

I am working on trying to work out a new system, getting up early to go to the gym, coming home and doing painting, then online classwork for this semester. I think I can make it work if I make it habit. Lately, I haven't been able to fit everything in the day and still try to be a decent husband/son/brother/etc. Which is why I haven't been online as well.

And I had another crisis, the GI Bill paid me only a 3rd of what I normally get this month... because of the holiday turnover between semesters... so now I am scrambling to make up the funds and pay my rent. So yeah, it sucks to be me right now... as usual. :lol

Right on Josh, making the habit will definitely help you feel better/healthier. Keep at it bro!

Happy New Year, and great to hear from you!!! :D

P.S., don't forget to PM me for some shipping $$$ once you're ready.

Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Right on Josh, making the habit will definitely help you feel better/healthier. Keep at it bro!

Happy New Year, and great to hear from you!!! :D

P.S., don't forget to PM me for some shipping $$$ once you're ready.


Ditto on both of those. I can't tell you how often I help clients work on scheduling/time management. It kind of sucks at first... but having a routine really can help to manage stressors.

And be sure to PM me as well for the shipping money... when the time comes :duff
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

I know it's hard to overlook posts but please read back a bit about the Ash.. I offered it to make your life easier so try to reply mate! Know you've got it busy but like I said, I'm offering this for you, don't want any refunds of any kind, just saying that I could take Ash without the head as long as the rest is there! Would hopefully save you alot of work, and stress, please reply mate! :)
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

josh = :rock

That is all.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

btw I really think we should leave Dront alone, his dealings with Josh are between the two of them. I don't really blame either side for the way things have gone down. They both have their reasons for feeling the way they do. Unfortunately, not everyone can see both perspectives.

Having said that, I really REALLY hope Josh's life turns around for the better, as he seems like an outstanding guy, just bombarded with one headache after another. If I didn't face that kind of BS myself, I probably would be at him with pitchfork and stake. But I would be a hypocrite. I can't say enough how easy it is to fall behind when life throws you one horrible ball of ____cluster after another. Since I too, have suffered similar setbacks.

*hugs Josh*

From one Freak to another, it can only get better! It has to! lol

THIS SEMESTER NOTHING WILL GET IN MY WAY! btw I wanna kill my one cat, he woke up from a damn great sleep. FFS! That is where my pitchfork and stake will be reserved for, that retched cat!
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Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Sometimes some folk just become magnets for weird freaky _____ and really, really bad stuff...Unfortunately, Josh seesm to have become ne of those people.

I feel for your dude, I went through the same stuff myself in 1996/1997 but it DOES get better.

Whilst it sounds very trite to say, try to stay positive and looking onwards and upwards.

Try printing out the lyrics from 'Tomorrow' from Annie or 'Someday I'll be Saturday Night' by Bon Jovi. Then again, Rocky's 'life' speech from Rocky Balboa is a good one as well for the more manly amongst us.

You got a lot of people with your back here dude. 2010 WILL be a better year.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!


Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Where is your sig from?

Also, sending you a PM Josh

It's my frighttstuff Jason mask I painted. I took the pic when I went sledging. Some kids kept throwing snowballs at all the little kids so I snook up behind them and gave them the fright of their lives. :lol
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Josh, Happy New Year! I'm sending a PM with the list of the heads I've sent for painting/repainting as well as the Michael Myers and Roy figures ordered. Let me know when to send $$ for shipping, or if there is a change in the plans for any of these commissions. Hang in there!! :peace :angelsmil
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Dront, Sined... guys... I will get your stuff done. It's close. I'll post pics if you want. I can only do what I can when I can, I can't give a timetable because I don't honestly know when it will be done. I have several weeks off, so there is a good chance that it will be done by early January.
And again, i am sorry for the wait.

Still nothing not even single photo.
You know I'm really tired of this nonsense.
I want refund.I sent you PM with details.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Still nothing not even single photo.
You know I'm really tired of this nonsense.
I want refund.I sent you PM with details.

I understand FULLY how you feel, but I am only doing what I can. I'm not ignoring anyone, I just can't come online as often as I was doing before and still try to do any work at all.

Your Reese parts are here, the head has skin tones, the gun is here, the shoes are here, the shirt, pants... everything. I'm short a body, but that will be coming.

You paid for a figure, you will get a figure. I can't afford to pay you back right now. My pack didn't sell, and on top of that I still owe my rent for this month. So quite honestly... I can only do what I can, which is work on the figure.

Please give me time to do so, I'd very much appreciate that. It hasn't been that long at all, even if I were an artist who wasn't backed up. Your order is actually my last new order, only a few months old. I'm doing my best here, I'm not a scam artist or stealing your money. I don't even have your money any longer, it went to parts and bills. So there is literally nothing I can do about it.

Just give me this month, if I don't get your figure out to you I will give you a refund then... when I actually can afford to do so.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

DA, is it possible to get my Ash without the headsculpt? if so, how much would it speed up its progress? :)

cheers! Jeroen
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Josh, do Dront's stuff first, I think he's going to have a meltdown or something. Then he can go away and be happy. Won't that be nice for him as well as you? :angelsmil
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Josh, do Dront's stuff first, I think he's going to have a meltdown or something. Then he can go away and be happy. Won't that be nice for him as well as you? :angelsmil

Yes I can wait longer.. let Dront have his stuff first. I also like to know how my two figures are coming along. Any update will be nice. If you haven't worked on them lately that is okay. Curious where they are. :)
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Josh, do Dront's stuff first, I think he's going to have a meltdown or something. Then he can go away and be happy. Won't that be nice for him as well as you? :angelsmil

Well...maybe he can just go away.
Wonder what a guy like him would do if he had ordered from howes?
I can see complaining if you have just cause, but like Josh said, he's (dront) a newcomer to sending stuff. He should just read complete threads before getting involved, then constantly whining.
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