DarkArtist's End of the Line Thread

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Do you see any news or updates?

In response to your unwarranted, cynical post, yes, we did see news and updates. I saw an update with a May 7 promise as well as a follow-up shortly after with a short-list. Like Dront, I'm on that short-list, but it's 3 weeks later and I haven't received anything. I don't think it's unreasonable to follow up.
Ok guys, let's all stay calm. Josh posted a list of projections and some folks on the list are looking for updates on the status of that, it's all good.
Pretty much what I was getting at MF. I don't consider Josh's recent absence as cause for concern, and the only list I'm on is the really long one.
Well I don't think anyone's pulling the "where is he" panic button, he just gave people an estimation on when he could deliver some stuff and that time has passed so they're looking to get updated.

Everyone's fine, I'm just doing a little damage control to keep this fire from ever even igniting.
Josh, if possible with your next update, can you check where do I stand with the Jason 8 figure? I'll take complete or incomplete, it don't matter to me. You might have me under my former username, "calvarenga" and was placed in May '09. Thanks for any info/update you can give.
hi josh, can you let me know the status of my scully, mulder and indy heads? i know others have been waiting awhile (i'm almost in the 2 year club but i know there's folks ahead of me), but i'm trying to plan since i'm going to be selling alot of my collection (including the scully and mulder bodies that these heads belong to). thanks!
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this was posted last April 22:

Thanks for the responses, I will get to all of you in due time I promise. Micro, I have the box with the stuff I just wanted to cast you a mask so that you wouldn't have to worry about the mold. But that will be taken care of in 2 weeks and the package will at long last be sent.

Ryan, the IM is ready and will ship out in 2 weeks also.

And you all have a right to be upset, I know I screwed up royally this time. Wofford is right that I shouldn't take shipping money. Money is so damn tight right now that it would only end up going towards gas or something like that as well as shipping and I could not in good conscience do that to anyone. I will ship out of my own pocket, it really is the least I can do. I don't want to owe anyone anything else, I owe enough.

And I am dead serious about leaving the site. I will probably delete my account altogether. I just don't like the way things have changed here, nor do I want to become a walking example of what NOT to be. My friends will be able to talk to me elsewhere and I can get my collectible news from around the net. This site doesn't need me anymore and I don't honestly need it. My life is quite rich enough, and I have responsibilities to tend to that are far more important than toys.

I thank you all for your long held support, the mods for doing all that they did here in my thread this past year (even though it cost me my Mod title and hours of their time), and I even thank my louder customers for not putting a hit out on me or coming to my house with baseball bats.

I'm not perfect, I will never claim to be a good businessman. I was just an artist who got in over his head and was too stupid to realize just how deep he had allowed himself to slip. I take full responsibility and will take it on the chin as I should have months ago.

And This was last May 7:

Ok guys, back again. I have some updates. Sined.. I know it sucks but those figures are still in the same state they have been in for months. I don't like it either, but my few moments I have been able to wring some paint work out of.. I've put them towards Dront's Reese. I am going to work yours next.

As for Josh, that is perfectly fine with me as long as it is ok with Les. Also, I hate that you got let go for next year.. that sucks to hear man. I really hope things pick up for you, you are too good a guy to have to suffer through anything.

And Khev and Carl... dudes, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It was very cool of you guys to offer. If I could move, I would take one of you up on a job offer.. you can be sure of that.

So, here is what I came here to say. I'm going to be checking in here monthly, with a list of people who are going to be recieving their stuff back. It's the best way for me to do it, and in the coming weeks it will be going from oldest to newest. For now, here is the list...

The Craw
Dront (Reese will be done this week)
RyanGabriel (pics coming this week as well)
Galactiboy and KingDarkness

It's all I can afford to mail at the moment, Summer tuition costs have pretty much wiped me out. Again, I'm sorry about everything and I will do my best to make it right to you guys in the future somehow.

Hi Josh, it's been 6 weeks and still nothing happens and all i can see are broken promises. I know you said the right thing to do is not to take any shipping money or anything from us, but the question is for how long are we still gonna wait. I think the right thing to do now is accept some of the offers of those who are willing to pay for the shipping and pay it off when you have the money for it.

I've been very positive all this months about the situation and never say anything, but as i can see it, it's just going on circles. We won't see you for weeks, then come back and give us little updates and promises and gone again. I'm sorry man, but I'm tired of this game.

Let me know how much is the shipping and pay me off when you got the money. Sorry bud but I'm just tired waiting.

I think it was suggested by a few of us that we would even send Josh a pre-paid box or shipping money and we could at least have what is partially done - he said he would just be tempted to spend it on other things. I would love it if I could send Josh $5 and he would just send my Joker in a flat rate box. :gah:

I think it was suggested by a few of us that we would even send Josh a pre-paid box or shipping money and we could at least have what is partially done - he said he would just be tempted to spend it on other things. I would love it if I could send Josh $5 and he would just send my Joker in a flat rate box. :gah:

i did that months ago. i sent $5 for my wesley head which is supposedly finished. i figured $5 was enough to ship 1 head. hell he could have shipped all my heads in 1 $5 flat rate box. but alas i never saw anything and i'm out yet another $5. so i wouldn't recommend it.
i did that months ago. i sent $5 for my wesley head which is supposedly finished. i figured $5 was enough to ship 1 head. hell he could have shipped all my heads in 1 $5 flat rate box. but alas i never saw anything and i'm out yet another $5. so i wouldn't recommend it.

Thats just shocking! This guy needs banning from this board :mad:
I really hate to say it but I think I agree, its pretty clear that nothing has come of any of the "updates".

Now the possibilty for more money being lost is present with people wanting to send money for shipping.

Say whatever you want to defend him but the fact is he is just lieing to people because he hasn't actually followed through on anything. It's a shame and maybe he really is in a position where he can't do anything about it but either way, I think this has all but run it's course and this thread is serving for nothing more then an outlet for people to vent at this point. At very least we need to lock this up and if Josh does return he can request it be opened for updates but even then, he needs to prove that he is actually getting things out, otherwise it's just more of the same.
josh was one of the people that made these boards. i have to disagree and say that despite the problems in his work NO-ONE with any decency or respect should be suggesting a ban.

i think his problems might have started when people began to use him as a cheap source of custom work, not really valuing him as a person or his skills, just the people who jump from customizer to customizer looking for the next best disposable thing.

i think people who have absolutely no vested interest or commissioned work need to stop fanning the flames. he's got enough to deal with workwise and personally, without having to read this stuff in his own thread. rich and ryan have every right to post since they're waiting for work, as do i, but other people might want to distance themselves from this thread. it won't lead to anything good.
Ok guys, let's stay calm in here, the mods are aware of the situation.

Let's not get into another back and forth over Josh's character or whatever, the thread's up for him or customers to post updates or inquiries, keep it at that.
I just think as a member of the board i am allowed to express my opinion whether i am actually buying something from this guy or not. I dont expect to be told by somebody else what i can or cant do

The truth is hes taking money from people and not supplying the goods end of story!
Maulfan is just trying to keep this thread from degrading into another shout-fest, which is probably a good thing.

If you get any updates on Ash, please let me know Josh. Thanks.
First no one is getting worked up or anything, just because he's a long time member and the truth about what he's doing is unfortunate doesn't mean you need to spin us into bad guys to defend him.

Again, he's taken money for commissions and haven't delivered, ok. If that alone were the case then maybe his once in a while updates would be ok.

Except thats not it. Now he's coming back and making these other for sale threads, taking more money (thousands) and still not delivering anything. He's taking money from people he already had deals with to ship and still not shipping.

I understand he's going through a hard time, I too am, I have cancer and no insurance and have been paying almost a thousand dollars a week for doctors steadily now. But this place isn't somewhere to come just for a hand out. Sadly that is how Josh is treating it and so that does give me a right to speak up, because I don't want to see anyone else taken advantage of.

Unfortunately we live in a world where your past isn't as important as your actions in the present. What Josh is doing right now is stealing, to make that not the case, he needs to send people the things theyve sent him money for. Until that happens, it is what it is, unfortunate or otherwise.
This situation does suck but how would banning Josh help ?.
If most people feel that something has to be done maybe just stop Josh from selling ? , I doubt he would sell again though anyway since he has mentioned in the past sadly he has pretty much sold everything he has. I think banning him can't help anyone who has paid for work.

Maybe keep the thread locked until Josh needs to update. Josh is a mod anyway if I'm not mistaken.
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