I bought it for the character as well. I mean, not that it would be a bad thing if it increases in value but I will be satisfied just by being able to own this and display it.Could be hype.....but personally I didn't order this in hopes that it would be the next grail or that I would rake in the profits if I decided to sell. I ordered it because I love the movie and the Lord of Darkness is one of the most memorable characters from my childhood. So for those reasons I'm buying and it looks like a damn great figure. My favorites seem to never be worth all that much. My favorite comiquette is the old Western Ghost Rider than you can now get for a little over a hundred on ebay. Even though it's dropped in price, I'm still glad I have one because I think it's beautiful. (though I wish I would have bought it at this lower price rather than retail...but oh well.)