i think they will profit from Darla, it seems to be sellin well, both verisons are the top sellers atm so I think they'll make it profit. I REALLY hope sideshow isnt not making a large amount because they think it wont sell. Because they would if they are all done right. I mean Willow hasnt but its obvious why, it isnt willow! Der kinderstod(althouh a really good fig) was just TOO out there for them to do. he was in one ep and i didnt even like the character of him that much. i mean it was a good ep but i think they shouldve chosen a more core character. if they want a monster why not the Judge? but i think the line will continue to do well if they nail the figs and choose good characters to do. i gess theyre trying to spread them out so we get the core characters spread out along with the monsters and other characters. as long as we get GILES, CORDELIA, ANYA, THE MAYOR, GLORY and mayb another willow ill be happy anlong with the other offereing we get!