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ok first batch of unpainted Arnie heads gone out this afternoon. Another batch to go out tomorrow.

Battle damaged casts ready to go as well in case anyone wants them. :)
Hey Darren, I was curious when we will see a peek at your John Lennon sculpt? This is a sculpt from scratch and not a resculpt, correct? I was also wondering if you are using the tile method for this sculpt?
And this is why I never bothered buying a Ripley sculpt.
That looks bad ass ! :rock
Let us know more when you can.


BTW : Pm sent...
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Darren that is an unreal repaint of the Faramir, i received this figure a couple of weeks ago and could not believe how bad the paint app is. You really nailed this guy, really looking forward to your customer putting this figure together.

I know from the Obi-Wan i got from you that your hair and facial hair is beyond perfect, when i repaint i stare at the Obi-Wan hoping to pick up tips. Espeacially the eye-brow those thing a really hard to get perfect.

How are you keeping to the schedule?
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thanks guys. :bow

All pms will be answered within the hour... just going through my daily ritual of spending the first 4 hours each day answering emails and pms, lmao. Almost done now....

miles - The Lennon sculpt will be done on a tile, yes. And it's from scratch. I've fallen behind on my schedule (despite my best efforts.... family nonsense always seems to manage to get in the way when I have lots to do) so I'm going to get this Ripley finished first (I hope this week), and then the Hudson head finished either this week (depending on how long Ripley takes) or next week.

After that I've got 2 Padme busts to resculpt, along with a Luke ANH Premium Format to resculpt.... but I'm going to do the Lennon sculpt alongside these two. I'm really enjoying sculpting at the moment so it's good to get as much done while I'm buzzed for it all. And believe me.... I'm in the zone :rock

ian1138 - Thanks about Faramir... I'm glad people like it. :) And that means so much that you look at my Obi-Wan trying to put up hints and tips about how to paint faces. That means a lot to me! :rock

and the schedule... ahh yes... I knew there was something I was supposed to be keeping to :lol
oh by the way, while I'm sending out the unpainted Arnie heads I figured I'd let you all see one of the things I'm working on this week... this is very early, so it will change lots probably.... but it gives you an idea what I'm doing

(and yes... I'm planning to do an Alien 1 version (unless Hot Toys does one) and an Aliens "Get away from here you b**ch!" version (can't wait to do that one!!)


sweeeeeeeet!!! thanks for the update Darren. Looking forward to this one.
That's a remarkable Ripley. You seem to have zeroed right in on the change that would make it look more like Weaver, the mouth. Looking forward to seeing it evolve, and then after many months of torture finally buying one.


PS thanks for the pm on Arnie...
pm replied again Darren. Sorry for it being so late.
My sleep pattern is really screwed up of late , not too well I don't think.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to own some of your work , I have always been very impressed. I will be contacting you about that Ripley most definitely is you decide to sell some casts. :rock
The default head is just wrong , even repainted imo.
Received the Anakin and Arnie scuplts today, was cool as i was'nt expecting them.

Really impressive stuff, been comparing the Arnie against the sideshow scuplt and really dig the way you adjusted the chin and looking forward to painting the battle damage and sith eyes on Anakin.

Going to start working on the BD T-800 first, got the Saturday Toys outfit and a Hot Toys body all ready for this guy.

Have you got any suggestion on what glasses to use and what kind of body did you use, it looks it has more bulk than the HT body.

Definitely been getting a Riley scuplt in the future and alot more of your 1/6 works.
I am now the proud owner of a D.C. Anakin resculpt!
Thanks bro, it's awesomeness beyond words!!!
glad you guys are liking the things you're recieving :bow

Ian, I've got some shades for Arnie could let you have for £2 or something if you want, but they're not perfect. (but then to be honest NOBODY makes perfect T2 sunglasses... something I'll be fixing in the near future) ;)

This is also just a quick message, I need to let you all know that I'm having MAJOR computer problems here, got some virus or adware that's slowing everything down and popping up random webpages... I'm trying to fix it but I may have to do a reinstall or something (nasty thing can't be deleted by the usual methods, comes back with random names or something so the programs can't delete it)

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that this is why I'm being slow answering emails or pms. I've been focussing on the Ripley sculpt, but also painting a few heads and trying to fix the computer so it's been a pain)

I'm on the laptop at the moment which I don't usually have access to as Jane takes it to work with her.... anyway hopefully I'll be able to have it fixed within the next week or so. So if I'm slow getting back to anyone, bear with me!

i'm desperately after a Ripley painted head sculpt for my Powerloader
PM sent yesterday, hope you can do it mate.
Hey Darren, I sent you a PM about Ani. Hope you can help me out. Keep up the great work! Thanks. :)
If no one has dibs on the glasses i will take them darren :-D

I actually have a few sets of the shades, I need to count through them to see how many I need for the full figure commissions I'm doing... then I guess I could sell off some of the remainder for a couple of quid each. I bought a batch of them in case I needed them. (turned out i did, lol)

and Wanderer, Hunnipot... pms answered :cool:
miles - The Lennon sculpt will be done on a tile, yes. And it's from scratch. I'm really enjoying sculpting at the moment so it's good to get as much done while I'm buzzed for it all. And believe me.... I'm in the zone :rock

:rock :rock :rock

I can't wait to see what you have done. :banana:banana:banana