I'd buy this if you feel he's for you.. I'd say that to anyone about any statue.. go with your own feelings Luke...LOL could not resist... But.. I find this to be an awesome addition to my collection, and have no regrets at all.. If you do buy Maul Congrats....PS he's scary in low lighting.. very ominous!
Oh, I'd like to add I have #102... This was written in black marker on the the shipping box in all lower corners... like they do with the PF's.... I know it doesn't appear on the statue, but this must have been the 102 one made. I wonder if the total made was 200 or 250.... again all speculation and I don't even care about the number..
Thanks for your help man! Yeah I definitiely getting the itch again to pick this up. Maul is by far my favorite PT character so I would love to get this as my ultimate Maul piece. Plus I would consider getting Fett and Vader if they would be released. I read most of the this thread and I saw you didn't like this piece at one point. I wonder what made you change your mind? Did you see it in person before you ordered? Anyway I will decide soon and at least put it on flex pay. Is there any other owners of this piece that has some opions and perhaps more pics? Thank