Batman Begins has a stupid vapor and microwave emitter plot. By the movie's logic, if someone in Gotham boils their water and accidentally inhales it, they should start spazzing out in fear. Not to mention people are mostly made up of water. The Wayne's leaving an elite establishment like an Opera house through a back side door into an alleyway is also kinda dumb. Why does Ra's claim that Bruce left him for dead when Wayne clearly saved his life from the explosion, fire and falling? The villager he leaves him with even tells Bruce that he'd tell Ra's that Bruce saved his life.
Civil War, Iron Man black mails a kid into fighting for him after he feels responsible for the death of that woman's son. He puts another kid in danger to fight a battle he wasn't even really needed for after preaching to the team that the Avengers have been reckless.

Zemo's plan hinges on Tony Stark following Cap and Bucky and seeing a video of Winter Soldier killing his mom and dad (also, the Starks didn't have tighter security?) Why didn't the all powerful Vision accompany the Avengers on their mission to Siberia?