Not defending this movie, but I keep hearing how Deadshot is this and that, but the other day I read Legends and I don't see anything from Will Smith in the trailers and such, that seems really out of character to me.I couldn't disagree more. It was Will Smith playing Deadshot. No way the Floyd Lawton I read goes around talking about Phil Jackson, triangle offenses, pep talks, or makes jokes in any way. He's a psychopath with a death wish. A unpredictable cold blooded killer with no remorse. A man who gets the job he's been paid to do done. Even his relationship with his daughter in the movie is far deeper than it was in the comics. The Deadshot in this movie was deadly with guns/weapons. That's where the comparison ended for me.
You're missing the point that Batman can take down a criminal whenever he wants and chooses not to do so when a child's safety may be at stake.
He doesn't give them immunity just because they have a kid or their mother's name is "Martha"--well, at least the first part is true. As for your cops comment, cops don't dress like a bat with the intention of terrorizing criminals and making them **** their pants from fear, but they do have something in common with Batman in that they try not to endanger children. Even if Deadshot was beating his daughter, Batman would get her to safety before beating his ass. The innocent are the priority--not being a **** or looking cool when he drops from the roof. I understand you like reckless, unstable Batfleck,
but for many lifelong fans of the character like myself, these new DC films are disregarding the moral code that makes Batman Batman. Read more comics instead of relying on these new DC movies and you'll get where I'm coming from.
Yeah, in what little I've read of Deadshot, because he's a D-lister at best, he's a very bland character, just villain fodder really. It surprised me that apparently he has some fans actuallyWill Smith is to Deadshot is like what Robert Downey is to Iron Man, they both improvise a lot because they're very charismatic so the character they play becomes them and to be honest they're personality is probably way more entertaining than the characters they're playing. Will Smith was different at times, but for the most part was just himself yet I thought he was by far better than everyone else in the movie who were trying hard to portray the characters from the comics.
Will Smith > Deadshot
Yeah, in what little I've read of Deadshot, because he's a D-lister at best, he's a very bland character, just villain fodder really. It surprised me that apparently he has some fans actually![]()
In Legends he's "flyboy this, flyboy that" and dropping a few one liners, didn't seem like such a sociopath to me, an attitude sure, but nothing out of Smith's personality really, same for everything else he's in that I've read.
It's not even comparable to Iron Man in terms of personality change.
Now to be fair, I have never read anything where Deadshot is the titular character, because I don't carea bout himso maybe there's a version there that his fans wanted, but Smith isn't exactly out of character to begin with.
Purists will ***** about everything, half the time they're the reason why a movie sucks
Believe me this movie was Fantastic Four levels of bad, and Will Smith was carrying the movie up until the god awful 3rd act where he couldn't even make it watchable![]()
I read that he liked it, but its a real treat to see a more in depth view of this thoughts on the film.
Always enjoy Kevin Smith's view on the DC films. He knows his stuff with comics, but especially DC. He's written some great stuff for DC over the years.
That absolutely is not a given with the likes of Deadshot.
Okay so Batman is supposed to be a stable and careful...weirdo who dresses like a bat and makes bad guys crap their pants from fear. Nah. Maybe "your Batman" who exists in your old comics but that's no more the only valid take on the character than Russo Captain America is.
Why should I "read more comics" that are not connected to the "DC movies" we're talking about? Just so I can criticize the onscreen character more severely? That'd be silly. This is like you saying "Wow, The Winter Soldier, what a cool movie, and Captain America was really cool too" and then I go "No he wasn't, he killed bad guys. The Russos don't understand him at all. Go read *40 years* worth of comics from the 60's to the early 2000's to see what I'm talking about. Just because a character is one way for decades doesn't mean they can't ever be re-invented. Tim Burton proved that a long time ago.
The credits scene with Bruce was stupid though.
Yeah, but it was hinting at him setting up the Avenge- I mean Justice League.
Captain America is a soldier that killed in the war--there's a different mentality there. If you read his comics, you'd see that the Russo brothers got character right.
HOW would this squad go after a superman?
It's 2 hours and 3 minutes long.
Not after Stan Lee's reintroduction of him into 1960's canon. Every single flashback of Cap post-freeze was him punching out Nazis and not killing them. Which you'd know if you'd read any of his Volume 1 or Volume 2 stories from 1968 to 2000. Millar and Brubaker retroactively made him a Nazi killer. Johnston and The Russos combined elements of multiple decades worth of reinterpretions of the character when they brought him to the screen.
But I get it. Affleck sucks because you aren't getting what you wanted from the comics. I don't see him as being any worse than the homicidal and/or reckless Batmans we've been seeing on screen for almost 30 years (specifically Keaton and Bale, obviously.)