Super Freak
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)
There's no reason the solo movies can't be fantastic while existing in a universe.
You know, looking at these discussions we're having, this is why I kind of wish these DC films never branched out into connected universes. It just feels half assed. After Justice League, I hope they go back to solo movies.
Flash by himself has so much potential. Batman and his world could be so much more than what Burton and Nolan barely scratched the surface with their interpretations. There could be a modern Superman movie that goes beyond what Bryan Singer and Zach Snuder had to offer.
I like that Wonder Woman is getting this treatment. Hopefully it's a straight forward story that doesn't have all this "world building" crap thrown on it like BvS and Suicide Squad.
This is what I've been saying. Most 3rd films in a trilogy tend to be the worst because directors have to abide by their own rules they set in their own universe and most of the time they want to try something new. With this whole universe thing, it's far worse, now directors have to make a movie that's in the studios vision and the previous directors, while also trying to add their on spin on it.
There's no reason the solo movies can't be fantastic while existing in a universe.