Shartimus Prime has a review up and he is geeking hard over this bad boy. Seems like I preordered this so long ago I forgot what it looked like.
Possibly. Despite some pieces in this Designer line being up-scaled versions of previous releases, the one-piece-per-character/artist rule (so far) hints that DCC might stray away from that here or, at the very least, they'll rename the variant to something else to keep the line "pure", for lack of a less ****ed-up sounding phrase. It's seems like DCC overall is edging more toward becoming a brand associated with premium collectibles like DCD was when it was competing more "directly" with Mattel on the action figure front.
I've unfortunately been avoiding releases like this Kubert Bats due to my dislike of the flesh tone resin/plastic casting. It really takes away from the comic book feel, IMO. Seeing ShartimusPrime highlight how meticulously painted the belt pouches and suit creases were only made the virtually unpainted face sting that much worse for me.