Super Freak
Well he doesn't look anywhere even close to the books.
Saw tonight's episode...and I'm done with the show.
Did it stray even further from the Carrey run?
I'm not familiar with the comic.
Oh, ok. What was so bad that made you say "no more" then? If it's a spoiler, I don't mind, put it in the brackets.
No, not a spoiler. It's just the show in general...the whole solving crimes thing and his relationship with the female character. I don't know if the comic is about solving crimes, but this show is basically like Castle, except Lucifer is not a writer.
The comic is most definitely about not solving crimes. At its core, it's about Lucifer going against his predetermined path and trying to live as a "normal" bloke. I've not read the whole thing, but it's mostly philosophical with supernatural elements thrown in. The show has nothing to do with the source material, but I was hoping it'd get better. Sadly, it seems it hasn't...
This show will go away quickly then
Or it'll do well because a lot of people drink this police procedural crap up like water.