Waitlist 4 lyfe
CBG 4 lyfe
How do you know that. Flex payers ordered day 2 or 3? I ordered the minute it went up. I chose a day, i didn't think SS was going to get at me first or last, regardless I was prepared. Its not fair to assume these things
Sent from the **** Pit of the Millenium Falcon
How do you know that. Flex payers ordered day 2 or 3? I ordered the minute it went up. I chose a day, i didn't think SS was going to get at me first or last, regardless I was prepared. Its not fair to assume these things
Sent from the **** Pit of the Millenium Falcon
I think that was just one hypothetical example. I think the point is that he thinks SS should be shipping first come first serve.
I'm sure your right if you can survive the summers there you can fight through anything.Nice Supes Riggo! He turned out well and you got a nice edition number.
I have complete confidence RG3 will bounce back. Us Baylor Bears always fight through adversity!
Nice pictures and Congrats on # 50.
I like your Redskins set up too. I'm a fellow fan. They are gonna miss London Fletcher this year..I'm hoping RG3 bounces back and stays healthy.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You fellow Skins fans need to get this Statue. I got t and love it![/QUOTE
Cool looking Statue. I used to have a Redskins bar in my house and had the Danbury mint Hogs/D.Green/Jurgensen and the RFK and Fed EX stadiums. I recomend them all if you can find them.
Umm, it was anecdotal to make the point that no matter when you flex paid you got your superman shipped before anyone that chose to pay in full, even if they had ordered it days before the flex payer did. I'll try to type slower next time.
see it wasn't so hard to follow the point after all![]()
I lazy to read pages but I just got a email saying this is delayed? Is this normal? I thought some already has this in hand. That's so strange if he already shipped to some people.
Flex pay is free financing for them makes sense why they want to encourage this behavior. Ill never flex pay for this reason, they get my nrd and that's enough free float. I don't mind waiting, I keep myoney longer and have more time to save but I understand why people are upset. Notices should have been sent out way before the first batch even shipped.
The way I see it, when you flex pay, you are making a statement to sideshow that you're investing in their product. If I ran the business, I'd probably do this with the major releases (a list characters).
I'm not flex paying any more, but it seems like an obvious business motto to me. "Invest in us, we invest in you"
The way I see it, when you flex pay, you are making a statement to sideshow that you're investing in their product. If I ran the business, I'd probably do this with the major releases (a list characters).
I'm not flex paying any more, but it seems like an obvious business motto to me. "Invest in us, we invest in you"
If invest in them then that makes me part owner shouldn't that entitle me to a small discount off the full cost. A small return on supplying the capital for raw material, labor ext in advance of purchase. **** even if they could borrow at 5% and they gave us a 2% discount they are still ahead.
That is what the NRD is for.
I don't mean it literally. I mean it as Sideshow sees that people who flex pay more likely to actually purchase the statue, while those who pay just the NRD can cancel "save their losses" and possibly get the NRD moved
Paying for preorders is pretty standard now. Just to help ensure the company that if they "save you one" they will get some portion of the money if you cancel.
I'm not saying it's right hahaha. I'm just saying its common. First come first served is a very primal and primitive way to look at a business now a days.
I know whatcha were saying I only quoted you because of the "invest in them" which in a way is exactly what you are doing when you prepay
Cancelling NRD orders=win win win winning for sideshow, they get free misc revenue plus sell that same product to someone else.
Moving NRD= win for ssc because they still are guaranteed a sale of another item and will still most likely sell the item you decided not to purchase to someone else
Yeah. The anger is completely understandable, but even if the shipments were randomly selected. People would still be upset. First come first served is the easiest way to avoid confrontation. But it isn't necessarily the smartest for the business.
And although 99.9999% of the time! the cancel orders do end up selling. The NRD is to comfort them for the risk they're taking that the canceled order might sit on the shelves for years. (No matter how unlikely that seems. Haha
I still haven't gotten a piece from sideshow yet, but I'm gLad I'm on the forums. Because now I will expect the statue within a couple months of release, and not first batch. And I personally don't have a problem with that. Also I was just drooling over your PO list in your sig. Haha. What date did you order the cap ex waitlist?